Posts by Conner

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I'm sure this has been answered in the past somewhere, but I can't find it. I'm wondering where Rising World gets its 3D models? Are they all made specifically for the game, purchased from 3D model websites. etc.?

    Also, have any members of the Rising World community ever donated a 3D model that was added to the base game? I love playing around and making things in Blender and I'd love to make and donate models to be added to the game.

    It sounds like it would be free and easy content for everyone to enjoy in the game.

    I REALLY want to see magic in the game. I'm surprised this many people didn't want it. I think a fair balance would be to add magic but to make sure that players don't feel obligated to use it to progress through the game.

    As a person who prefers medieval/fantasy play styles, it frustrates me to see that the best tier tools are modern day tools such as chainsaws, guns, etc. Adding magic could be more for aesthetic differences. (Spells that cut trees at the same speed as chainsaws, etc.)

    The game is in a weird state right now where the weapons are swords and battleaxes, and you wear medieval armor, but you trim grass with a weed wacker and fight giraffes. There's no set theme and to progress through the game you're forced to use a strange mix of modern and medieval tools.