I thought I would write a quick basic guide to get you up and running on a linux server.
I have a working knowledge of several distros of linux but I always prefer Ubuntu LTS flavors.
I purchased VPS services from a reputable, trusted company that I have used before.
I chose x64 architecture and Ubuntu 12.04 lts.
The VPS specs:
- Quad Core
- 6GB Memory
- 30GB Storage
- 2TB Traffic Limit
- 10Gbit Connection
1. Everyone has their own methods of getting around linux on a remote server
but here I will be using what I used to get through this.
Download an SSH client of your choosing. I prefer Putty. You can find it http://www.chiark.greenend.org…atham/putty/download.html
2. Connect to your remote linux server. (I log in as "root" and do my "business", when everything is as it should be, you can start buttoning down your server for more security.
3. Download the dedicated server files. (The zip will contain dedicated server startup scripts for windows, mac & linux.
4. Install JAVA on the dedicated server. PLEASE NOTE: You may have to use "sudo apt-get"
- apt-get update
- java -version (check to see if java is already installed, and what version if so)
- apt-get install default-jre
- apt-get install default-jdk
- apt-get install openjdk-7-jre (I'm not 100% positive this is needed but it won't hurt your server nor slow it down)
- apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
- apt-get install python-software-properties
- add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
- apt-get update
- apt-get install oracle-java7-installer ((( I could not get the linux startup script to run without installing the oracle JDK ))))
5. Install "Screen"
6. At this point lets test the server and its dependencies (JAVA) to see if everything is working like it should.
- start the server with:
java -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar
in the terminal.
- PLEASE NOTE THAT THE Xmx and Xms variables should reflect the amount of memory you have/want to use.
- Xms = START the server with certain amount of memory. Example: Xms1G this = 1 Gigabyte (start the server with this minimal amount of memory) [format is numerical amount, followed by delegated M for megabytes, G for gigabytes etc]
- Xmx = GIVE the server this defined MAX amount of memory when needed. Example: Xms6G = 6 Gigabytes
- you should get server success, if you do not then chances are that you don't have all the JAVA repositories/dependencies that you need.
- Reboot the server here and log back in via your chosen SSH client.
- I highly recommend you change your SSH listening port from the default to avoid brute force SSH attempts, and believe me sooner or later it WILL happen.
- I also recommend a package called fail2ban to auto block ip's of people who are trying to attack your server.
7. Edit the "server.properties" file with your desired settings. (WILL INCLUDE MORE DETAILS HERE FOR YOU WHEN FINISHED)
8. You will need to "cd" to the directory where your dedicated rising world server files are located and start the script OR use the java start method mentioned above and you should be ready to rock with your server showing up in the server list via "Multiplayer" in the game.
9. Now if you have configured everything and started the server with
java -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar
followed by success and connected to server hive, then we know it works.
I welcome contributions and input on this so we can clean it up and make it something worth reading to people interested in running their own server.