Posts by Droophoria

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Something seems to be wrong with the server setting server_world_type. Is there maybe an escape character or a space after the "Normal"? Alternatively try to delete this whole line from the file and start the server again.

    That was is red, can't thank you enough.

    I actually nano'd my and went down the list backspacing and entering to take all those spaces out but I missed that 1.

    Thank you again!!!

    Short and simple:

    Epic Insomniacs server
    Downloaded updated server files.
    Saved World and Scripts and in a backup.
    Threw the new server files in the "server directory".

    ran the linux startup script which results in a "servername started"

    but there is no screen session for it.

    Checked the log and have this:

    I've wiped it all out, and started from scratch (copying in my backed up world and scripts).. same errors.
    I've wiped it all out, and started from scratch (vanilla, invoked a new world, no scripts).. same erros.

    Please help me *nix masters, I'm at a loss here. List of things to double check, dependencies to check? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

    Having an issue guys, wondering if any one else is:

    I /selectarea
    I /createarea NAME

    All looks well, I repeat the process and create another area and the previous one disappears.

    I looked through the AreaProtection forum posts and see nothing pertaining to this so I thought I would ask if anyone knows whats going with that?

    This is after updating the script to 1.6 btw and yes I saved my db so all existing areas are still there. I'm also using World Edit script but looking through it I don't see anything in there that would bump heads with AreaProtect.

    Hey guys I didn't want to make a new post on this issue so I'm replying here since it seems to be directly related:

    I've had this problem with a client before and the solution red51 supplied worked like a charm. Who cares about losing their inventory right? You can simply restock your inventory.

    I'm facing this issue again with another client and I'm trying desperately to get this person back online, I followed the steps again for this users "id" and "inventory" but they still can not connect to my server.

    Is there a way to safely remove ALL users and their inventories from the database file as if they had never logged on before, without "wrecking" the world?

    I keep getting these people that log on, disconnect, log on, disconnect, log on... over and over and they leave behind a motionless avatar floating in the air.

    If you try to "goto <player name>" it takes you to the duplicate motionless avatar, not the actual players avatar. X(:cursing:

    This makes it incredibly difficult to goto new players to "protect" their area.

    I poked around and didn't see this mentioned much at all but one of the few mentions of it remarked that it could be caused by players using "pirated copies" of the game. X(

    Has anyone else seen this issue? If so did you find a way to fix it?

    Thanks in advance for any help guys

    Perhaps the developers could add a slight color outline to the windows until they are placed by the player. It could be red if the window does not fit in its current location and green if it is in a suitable place. I agree that it can sometimes be difficult to see where the windows are.

    Perhaps similar to the Red outline you get when using the AreaProtect script? Wonder if that would be simple to implement?


    About the script, did you modify it yourself? Or is it exactly the same script @h0tw1r3 has uploaded here?

    I had just begun tinkering with it (the script.lua) to see what could and should be edited if anything, so it ended up being me that caused the problem.

    Thanks to you guys I found and fixed the issue.

    Running rock solid again, since then.


    This is the problem:


    Looks like you ran into a bug with one of your Lua scripts.

    Thank you both so much for the quick response.

    I did notice that script error so I completely removed h0tw1r3's script folder (for the time being, I NEED that script lol)
    and immediately the problem was.. well not solved but skirted around.

    Again, thank you, I love how you guys are so quick and friendly and eager to help. As a "multiple forums" user it is refreshing to say the least.

    Server has been running fine for a while, suddenly everyone starts having issues so I reboot the "physical" server, then run the start script, well actually I start it with java but now the server fails out with this error:

    Jan 14, 2015 9:16:37 PM server.Main handleError
    SEVERE: Fatal error occured:
    Jan 14, 2015 9:16:37 PM server.Main handleError
    Direct Memory:

    I generated an error log.txt, I'm attaching it.

    I have rebooted the server a few times, tried the linux start up script but I'm having NO JOY here.

    Someone please help me out?

    Thanks in advance for ANY tips and help.


    • log.txt

      (9.39 kB, downloaded 334 times, last: )

    Hey everyone,
    Just wanted to shamelessly plug our newest server.

    [US] Epic Insomniacs Rising World

    You can find us in the Multiplayer server list as the name above or join our IP @

    The server is dedicated to this Rising World server and nothing else. It is populated with friendly people as well as multiple admins to help keep an eye on things.
    I welcome you all to come visit and stake your claim on a plot of land to make your own.

    Our site isn't complete but if interested enough to keep an eye on it, you may find it here:
    I am looking for people more knowledgeable than I with lua scripting as well as good admins that have a firm grasp on the workings of Rising World.

    Hope to see you online, and can not wait to see what you can create! :thumbsup:

    I thought I would write a quick basic guide to get you up and running on a linux server.

    I have a working knowledge of several distros of linux but I always prefer Ubuntu LTS flavors.
    I purchased VPS services from a reputable, trusted company that I have used before.
    I chose x64 architecture and Ubuntu 12.04 lts.

    The VPS specs:

    • Quad Core
    • 6GB Memory
    • 30GB Storage
    • 2TB Traffic Limit
    • 10Gbit Connection

    1. Everyone has their own methods of getting around linux on a remote server
    but here I will be using what I used to get through this.

    Download an SSH client of your choosing. I prefer Putty. You can find it…atham/putty/download.html

    2. Connect to your remote linux server. (I log in as "root" and do my "business", when everything is as it should be, you can start buttoning down your server for more security.

    3. Download the dedicated server files. (The zip will contain dedicated server startup scripts for windows, mac & linux.

    4. Install JAVA on the dedicated server. PLEASE NOTE: You may have to use "sudo apt-get"

    • apt-get update
    • java -version (check to see if java is already installed, and what version if so)
    • apt-get install default-jre
    • apt-get install default-jdk
    • apt-get install openjdk-7-jre (I'm not 100% positive this is needed but it won't hurt your server nor slow it down)
    • apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
    • apt-get install python-software-properties
    • add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    • apt-get update
    • apt-get install oracle-java7-installer ((( I could not get the linux startup script to run without installing the oracle JDK ))))

    5. Install "Screen"

    • apt-get install screen

    6. At this point lets test the server and its dependencies (JAVA) to see if everything is working like it should.

    • start the server with:
      java -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar

      in the terminal.

    • PLEASE NOTE THAT THE Xmx and Xms variables should reflect the amount of memory you have/want to use.
    • Xms = START the server with certain amount of memory. Example: Xms1G this = 1 Gigabyte (start the server with this minimal amount of memory) [format is numerical amount, followed by delegated M for megabytes, G for gigabytes etc]
    • Xmx = GIVE the server this defined MAX amount of memory when needed. Example: Xms6G = 6 Gigabytes
    • you should get server success, if you do not then chances are that you don't have all the JAVA repositories/dependencies that you need.
    • Reboot the server here and log back in via your chosen SSH client.
    • I highly recommend you change your SSH listening port from the default to avoid brute force SSH attempts, and believe me sooner or later it WILL happen.
    • I also recommend a package called fail2ban to auto block ip's of people who are trying to attack your server.

    7. Edit the "" file with your desired settings. (WILL INCLUDE MORE DETAILS HERE FOR YOU WHEN FINISHED)

    8. You will need to "cd" to the directory where your dedicated rising world server files are located and start the script OR use the java start method mentioned above and you should be ready to rock with your server showing up in the server list via "Multiplayer" in the game.

    9. Now if you have configured everything and started the server with

    java -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar

    followed by success and connected to server hive, then we know it works.

    I welcome contributions and input on this so we can clean it up and make it something worth reading to people interested in running their own server.

    We are up and running! look for us! [US] Epic Insomniacs.

    For those having similar issues via linux:

    Make sure you install "screen" apt-get install screen

    After you install java and screen, test it by using the java start method mentioned above by Dennis

    You can simply just start the server with java -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar.

    If you get a java error, chances are that you just simply don't have the proper java versions/dependencies.

    UPDATE on java start:

    root@risingworld:/home/risingworldserver# java -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: server/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    Could not find the main class: server.Main. Program will exit.

    Thank you, I don't know who you are but I love you

    That being said...
    I poked through the startup script and noticed it called for screen so I did install it and then try the script.

    I got server successfully started but no output on the screen (tried switching screens Ctrl+A, no joy) and I couldn't connect or even see the server.

    Perhaps I need to open ports on the remote server (which is VPS btw, can toss specs up if asked).

    I will try the java start method you provided (thanks again ;) ) and see if I can connect or at least see the server listed.

    NOTE:I already did all this on an extra Windows machine and was up and running within minutes but it was using alot of my internet bandwidth, I prefer linux as well for hosting game servers and knowing linux I made a huge assumption that setup would be even easier on a remote *nix box; lesson learned.