Posts by Sim-Ian

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hi all

    Been away from RW for a while and my group of players wanted a look at the New Unity Version but after a brief look it's clear there is little content currently in it. I was asked to setup a dedicated server for the Java version so i used SteamCMD to install using...

    +force_install_dir "C:\Servers\RisingWorldJava" +login anonymous +app_update 339010 validate +quit

    This just installed the New Unity version of the server but i thought you had to add -beta unity to get the new Unity version. How do i get the Java version of the server?

    Hi all

    Now we have effects from cold and heat, is there a way to heat a house so you can work when it's cold outside without having to have camp fires scattered all over the house so when your working you are always standing near a fire?