Posts by OmegaJstn

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I would try a full uninstall of Avast restart the PC and attempt to connect to the server. AntiVirus and most software firewalls install a protocol on each NIC so it can intercept and check data coming in and out. That protocol may be corrupt and having issues when the packets start flying both ways. Its not the first time I've seen an AV or Firewall cause a full disconnect on one NIC and not the other.
    Test it with Avast fully uninstalled, see if it works. Also, I'd be looking into update drivers for your NIC, or maybe a clean install of the NIC driver if removing Avast doesn't fix it.

    Unfortunately the "server_password" flag is not supported yet. It will be changed within the next updates.
    Adding a whitelist-feature is also planned, it should not take too long until it's implemented ;)

    This is exactly what I was looking for.
    I ran into the same issue, a few people that connected while my server was published, and is now in their history, have reconnected and caused some ruckus sadly.
    Trying to do some research and learn about the protected areas.

    But keep in mind: You can't be 100% sure if it is really a player with a cracked version ;)
    We can add an admin command for the next version to query the IP address of a player.

    I am just starting with this game. But isn't the player IP shown in the Server CMD? When the server gets a PlayerConnect Message it lists the IP, or is that because I have HIVE enabled on my server?