Posts by Lhor

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Coming back to the game after a rather long break, I still like it very much. There is just one thing which has been bugging me.
    Even if I basically enjoy having all those different kinds of animals roaming my world, their sheer number feels too great for me. It takes away the joy of finding animals while exploring and makes me sort of indifferent towards them.
    Therefore, I would love to have the option - while creating my world - to choose the spawn-density of animals.

    (Regarding the subject of animals and the joy of finding them - I would also love for them to have more variety in color and fur pattern and such.)

    I’ve just started a discussion with myself (never a good idea) about a trivial thing which nevertheless badgers me again and again. So I chose to just post it.

    Thing is:
    I really like to throw things around my house as part of the decoration (such as tools and flowers and apples and tree saplings and so on) but every time I log out these items will be deleted.
    Which I find good in regard of having the world cleaned of rubbish I threw away but… Would it be possible (desirable at all?) to be able to choose some things lying around to not be deleted?
    What do you think? (Irrelevant thought? Too much clutter? Or maybe not that bad after all?)

    The Canadian Mansion sounds very nice. I'd love to live in one of those, too.

    I'd like build a library with walls so high they seem to get lost into nowhere and shelves full of books lining those walls and fluffy carpets all over the raw, wooden floor.

    And a modern mansion, protruding over a waterfall.

    And a house of glass, partly surrounded by water (or completely? - don't know yet.)

    Hey, thank you all. :)

    Always do want to see more of these kind of images. If you can, share more? Nice! I love that home while wanting to rent it out if I ever could heh. Nice use of the poster. :thumbsup:

    The rest of the house is mostly still under construction. Lags its floor so you can fall through and break your neck and funny things like that - you sure, you want to rent it? ;) But I can post new screenshots when I've finished new parts.

    Really love that first one

    That's my favourite, too.

    sehr schön vor allem Wohnzimmer und der schrank super. :thumbup:

    Danke Dir. Der Schrank war ursprünglich ein experimentelles Regal, das ich furchtbar fand, und dann habe ich einfach weitergebaut... :rolleyes: Und ich mag das Wohnzimmer, da es immer in solch ein warmes Licht getaucht ist, selbst tagsüber.
    (Thank you. The cupboard started out as an experimental shelf which I really didn't like and then I just continued building... And I like the living room because it's always bathed in such a warm light, even in the daytime.)

    Daisy: Ben ouais t'as raison chacun parle dans sa langue comme ça c'est plus simple :)

    Daisy said she liked especially the living room and the cupboard.

    Considering all your fantastic ideas and buildings, I’ve a hard time posting some screenshots of my humble home – but I'm in the mood just now. So… that’s that. :)

    Part of my bath. (With a small pool just waiting to be filled with water - eventually ;) )

    Part of my dining room. If you're wondring about the construct in the corner - that's obviously, kind of, art.

    Part of my kitchen. And, yes, it's perfectly reasonable to put books near the fire.

    Part of the living room. Nothing "clever" to say about that one. ;)

    Nur ein paar Kleinigkeiten:

    - Obstschalen (Wie gerne hätte ich z.B. eine Schale mit Äpfeln auf meinem Esszimmertisch stehen…)
    - Wohnzimmertisch, dessen Höhe dem Sofa angepasst ist.
    - Messerblock, in dem man z.B. das Jagdmesser unterbringen kann.
    - Schaukästen
    - Stühle mit Stoff- und Lederpolstern (Vielleicht ein ausziehbares Schlafsofa? Und Sitzkissen?)
    - Bücher (Eine schöne Zugabe wäre, wenn man darin auch schreiben könnte.)
    - Steinlampen

    I’ve been playing this game for a few weeks now and I’m pretty hooked, and now I’d like to share some thoughts I’ve had so far. (Sorry, if I repeat things others wrote about before, or state ideas which you’ve already planned to implement.)

    First of all - It’s kind of easy (for someone like me who may be a little bit lacking in concentration from time to time) to simply delete a world by accident. So I’d really like to have to confirm each deletion.

    Furthermore I’d love to:
    - have a way to fill up soil.
    - seed grass.
    - be able to colour glass and, maybe, change the colour temperature of lamps.
    - craft half-high blocks.
    - be able to change the size of doors.
    - put flowers into vases and/or have flower pots.
    - craft carpets; and plaster and /or paper and/or paint the walls.
    - change the size of the curtains (which are a wonderful addition :) ).
    - close the crafting windows by using the same button which I pressed to open it.
    - have a way to make glass panes more visible while trying to position them.