One Track from Rising World you can find here.…-QQvdy347ChTzbeg_AzcNbx2T
Thank you so much
One Track from Rising World you can find here.…-QQvdy347ChTzbeg_AzcNbx2T
Thank you so much
Thank you sincerely for your answer I can't wait !
First of all, I just wanted to sincerely thank you for this wonderful game, all your efforts, and the recent updates that have brought so much to the Unity version The game is so peaceful, it's really relaxing! You feel like you've been teleported to another universe, a pleasant and very natural world, a truly unique sensation. It's always a real pleasure to play
I wanted to know when it will be possible to buy the music for the game. It's so peaceful and relaxing, I can't wait to listen to it for hours without necessarily playing. And this would be a way to support you and your great work a little bit more also
Thank you so much
For the next update, I think it would be a good idea to do an exceptionally big one (mounts, biomes and caves), even if it means waiting a few extra weeks. By doing so, it would definitely replace the Java version, display it on the Steam store and generate new sales for developers.
Thanks again for your hard work and dedication. The game is beautiful and soothing. I'm already enjoying it and naturally can't wait to play with the new updates. Take as much time as you need - you have my full support!
Thank you so muuuuuch red51 ; I don't have the words !
Good idea for the future of the game ! Even to add some rare gems like diamonds, quartz etc.. It could be interesting to search these ores & gems on mountains and caves for example For now, we have to wait for the next update
Thank you sincerely Red for the hard work
Thank you sincerely Red
A recycler is planned for the new version
Actually we've already prepared a model for it, it's just not implemented yet. The recycler will be capable of recycling all items / objects / construction elements (you will then get most base materials back).
Thank you Red !
Great idea indeed!
Could always have it so that the shovel collects more sand/dirt than a pickaxe per hit?
Yes that's a good idea
Shovels are a realistic yet unimportant feature(cause of the pickaxe) but hopefully they will be added soon.
Later of course
Hello and thanks for all the work done so far, I find the new version really amazing and very relaxing
I wanted to ask you, it would be nice to add a shovel to collect the sand and dirt. Because until now, we use the pickaxe but it's a bit less realistic for the sand in particular.
Thanks a lot