Posts by sfaleron

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    One very general thing has bugged me a long time that applies to most of these (first-person) 3D world crafting games is getting disoriented underground, or otherwise, when on slopes or getting repositioned just-so and not knowing which way is up. A gravity/attitude indicator, artificial horizon, vestibular sense, etc. It's useful to know when thinking about how one can maneuver and plan whatever action is being attempted. Like how to reach that deposit of aluminum :)

    More specifically to this game, I have been wanting for information on a few occasions. Such as what is the tree or plant I'm, about to take an action on. I might not want to chop down a fruit tree, and it's not so obvious if the fruit's been harvested recently. In multiplayer, it is hard to tell whose property you're on when you only get that information when crossing into and have been wandering a while. Also, some actions just fail silently instead of noting a permissions failure.

    The other thing I noticed can be chalked up to an unfinished Unity version, which is drinking water. The "cursor" does not change to a hand and the only feedback is audio. Fabulous so far, though. I played three years ago and was super impressed with the building possibilities, but gave it up partly due to the bland environment. It looks really nice now!