Posts by AndrewTaylorx

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Your question about heating a house during cold weather hits close to home for me. I've spent many chilly days trying to get work done while feeling like I needed a campfire in every room!But let me tell you about my solution: night storage heaters. These things have been a game-changer for me. Instead of fussing with fires all day, I can rely on these heaters to keep my house warm and cozy.Now, I wake up on a frosty morning, but instead of shivering at my desk, I'm greeted by a toasty warm room, thanks to those trusty storage heaters.

    It's awesome that you're exploring different tools and applications for photogrammetry and 3D scanning. It's such a cool way to bring real-world objects into virtual environments like Rising World and VRChat.

    I haven't personally tried Polycam, but I've heard good things about it as a 3D scanning app. It uses your smartphone camera to capture images and turn them into 3D models, which is pretty neat. Another tool you might want to check out is Smart Engines OCR. It's not a 3D scanning tool, but it does use advanced optical character recognition technology to accurately scan and extract text from documents. It's a great option if you need to digitize a lot of paper documents.