Display MoreYou can indeed have multiple versions of Java installed
If you don't want it to interfere with Java 17, you don't even have to "install" java 8, it's sufficient to just download a Java 8 JRE or JDK zip and extract it somewhere, then use it to launch the server (more precisely, use the "java.exe" in the "bin" subfolder), i.e. "<path-to-jre>/bin/java.exe" -jar server.jar
Alternatively you can update the "win_startscript.bat" directly (and use it then to run the server), as mentioned by sharkbitefischer
Just open it with a text editor and change line 7 (which starts with "java -Xmx..."). For example, if you extract Java 8 to "C:\Program Files\Java 8\", the line in the win_startscript.bat should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Java 8\bin\java.exe" -Xmx%mem%m -jar server.jar
Here you can download Java 8 as zip (look for operating system Windows, architecture x64, package type JRE and version 8, then download the JRE zip): https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=8
Or use this direct download link: https://github.com/adoptium/te…dows_hotspot_8u362b09.zip
Oh perfect! I was planning on trying just that later this week (but in all honestly didn't think it would work) Now it sounds positive, haven't played RisingWorld for a couple of years now so always fun to see whats happened