Posts by alex2040

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    I would like to see ming be slower but you get more stone for the effort. I would like to see a boost in wood production more then mining. Maybe a resource gathering difficulty slider should be introduced, as I doubt this is an item that everyone will agree on. This would let the player/server admins decide how they want the game play to be.

    Another thing I would like to see mining get more difficult the further down you go. I do not like the idea of getting your first pick and mining straight to hell.
    Sorry a little off topic but wanted to get the whole thought in one place.

    This sounds like a good idea.

    What else do people make suggestions for other then because they themselves want to see it implemented? :S

    What's your beef eh..

    It has nothing to do with the fact that people want their suggestions implemented or not, ofcourse they want it.
    I'm just stating the reason why you're posting is pure personal.
    Other people may post for something that would benefit the majority ( I would assume ).
    I'm not going to ask Red if he will add a purple balloon to the game just because I think it would benefit me and just because I want it implemented.
    Only would I suggest something that would in general and imo make the game more fun.…/03/April_flavour-027.jpg

    How about you do some searches before making suggestions eh..

    The more it's suggested, and talked about the better imo :).
    Maybe we can come up with new ideas and thoughts.
    Sorry if i've missed the previous topics because maybe i didn't have the game yet?

    you even edited this twice, the last one being like 6 hours after the original post and in that time you could so easily gotten all of your answers...

    Editing my post shouldn't be a problem.
    What answers? I'm just suggestings things.

    I can't believe the stuff you said to me but then you're posting this lolTrading and economy has been talked about.Leveling and that sort of topic (different ages or whatever of tech etc..)

    Well my apologies if you feel anoyed that I post something that has been talked about.
    I've haven't been part of the community since the beginning, and no i'm not going to read all past topics.
    And besides that your suggestions and ideas are about brainstorming and getting absorbed by the community to get their thoughts and opinions on it, is bullshit because when I dont respond in a positive way on your suggestion I get this kind of crap in my topic.
    I'm not sorry that I think your antler idea of becoming the first pickaxe you can get is a absolute crap idea, because this is just my opinion and you want this, you said so yourself.

    Game modes are coming... at least here you there are some possible new stuff...

    Here you there? I dont get it.

    I don't pretend all my ideas are the best out there and that the devs are idiots for not implementing them. Suggestions and ideas are about brainstorming, hashing things out... I post whatever sounds interesting for the game. Half-baked.. fully-baked.. silly or super great ideas... whatever they are. I throw them out there to be absorbed by the community and thought of in order to get others opinions on it. I don't care if people don't like it, that's not the point. I'm not here for a popularity contest. I simply think this game has great potential and am willing to spend my personal time on it in any way I can to help out. If you don't like that then why the hell are you here making suggestions yourself eh?

    If you're here to get your ideas absorbed by the community i expect the same from you.
    Thanks for your opinion on the vampires I guess, for the rest I thought your respond was a little impolite and rude.
    Just state your opinion and be gone.
    Do not respond on this topic ZaCormyr if you wanna have your personal populair talkshow host it somewhere different than my topic.

    Don't listen to them.
    You've got the basis for an excellent, long-term game here. It's very impressive, and shaping up to be better than 99% of the 'others' out there. As hard as you're working the very least we can do it talk it up so more people try it, more development money comes in, etc. I realize right now it might fall under the "labor of love" category, but hopefully, in the future, it will be more than 'worthwhile'.

    I know we come up with some pretty crazy, half-baked ideas sometimes (though a few are not bad), and hopefully you'll ignore those. But trust your vision of where you want the game to go. We trust you. You know the Big Picture, we don't. Though we don't always say it, you're doing an excellent job and we can't wait to see how this project turns out.

    Now get back to work. :D:)

    I see a lot of devoted people who wanna help this game getting better/bigger.So maybe we as community can try to promote it anywhere we can across the net?

    Oo I didn't know I could make a poll :) Cool! and i will do that.
    And yes I could do that but it still botters me, since it rotates to the wrong side within 2/3 sec anyway and I have to change colors within that time and make my decision if it's good or not, or drag it to the good side again.
    uhhhh no mercy.

    It seemed i couldn't Qoute probably anyway..

    there needs to be a system for mining ore. why not make it realistic example: gold miners use gold panes to get the gold out of dirt and…gal-Cunningham%5B1%5D.jpgand diamonds. I don't know if there will be volcanoes in this game but if there going to be this is where they should…tion-in-earths-mantle.jpgand the method for finding them you would use the pickaxe to get the unpure ore and maybe make a system to extract the diamonds.Also depending on what you mine (back to the minecraft pickaxe tier system) instead of that do something like a reinforced pickaxe with a steel pick or even a mining drill with carbon fiber tip.

    +2 ^^ I like this idea a lot, especially the last in how you need to extract the diamonds from the ore, maybe thought go a little further than that, I would like the idea of not being able to see what's inside a piece of rock so you wouldn't know wether you've hit the jackpot or that you've been mining absolute crap. This is kinda realistic imo.
    Ofcourse in real life you can get samples of the ground you want to mine, but you could do the same thing in here.
    So maybe make the ores spawn in bigger quantities stuck together so when you find something you find more than one. so lets say every 20 rocks you'll find 1 shard of diamond, so you'll have yourself a diamond mine.
    And on the other hand you could also find nothing when the mine is emptied.
    ( shouldn't be spawned in to often ofcourse, maybe make it a rare thing around volcanoes or volcanic active surroundings )

    For the first type of pickaxe etc.. you're forgetting that you can shape certain stone with just your hands and some elbow grease, or maybe an antler. That was my thought for the first tools of this sort (pickaxe, axe, simple knife etc..). Before getting the flint, maybe you have to find an antler out in the world to use as your first tool to break the flint. I found this page, seems like a good reference for such things. I'm not saying we should have everything on that page hahaIn regards to my sawzall idea, that would be advanced tech. Not something you do the first day by no means haha Not sure about the sledgehammer being used to harvest metal shards or crystals. Think of solid iron sticking out of a cave wall, then imagine smashing at it with a sledgehammer. Would take some time I think haha

    Antlers :thumbsup: -1

    I didn't really like that part of SE, how ores generated. With the amount of stones and ores that RW has (sure some additions could be made of course), I thought of it being done in layers of sediment like earth. Mountains can be the crust being pushed up, almost vertically in places (bringing some deep ores to the surface but dangerous to get to..). There could even still be one type of simple stone that makes up the majority of the mass. Love the idea that some areas would become seriously difficult to mine through because of what it is made of. Layers, not pockets. Within the layers, pockets of oil deep down and water nearer the surface. Crystals etc...And thinking of this gave me an idea that would totally change RW hell (you know.. down there): Earths core, magma under pressure, volcanoes, geothermal power, what is down there currently could still be found close to the core in a seriously dangerous area... anyways. Something like that would just make me shit myself and I wouldn't be able to play so... what's the point? hehe

    You go ahead and make this :P It seems that your imo are overthinking this.

    Please dont start making suggestions for your own personal reasons, because I actually like this.
    Maybe there could be made a poll to see if the majority of the people would want something or not?
    And besides that your "problem" of holding down left shift all the time, has nothing to do with giving a suggestion for the game.
    Here's a suggestion stop instinctively hold L Shift button, or change your sprinting key in the settings options to whatever you like.

    Hey guys, I saw this topic and realised I had started to annoy the rotations.

    Let us manually rotate items in the preview window

    Another topic
    In the crafting secion, you can see a preview of all the items. However, I think, they rotate a bit slowly. So maybe let us manually rotate them, as well, what should rotate them faster? (Ofc there already is the full screen preview option, but yeah another detail I would like to have improved :P)

    No, i think this is pretty anoying that the items keep rotating in the preview box, I mean c'mon i just wanna see the front and how it looks like in different colors.
    Now i have to wait until i see the front again and quickly check some colors out and than wait for it to turn again...
    I dont know if you already added the rotation speed to be quicker, but I dont like it.
    Make them stop rotating at all would be great and if you wanna check out the back you are able to do so manually, but that's all you need.

    Thank you for your time.


    Alex :thumbup:

    Hey guys,

    I would like the game to have a trade option for safer transactions with each other. (And maybe gold for a later date)

    I would like the game to have levels, like when you level up your mining level you become better/quicker in mining.
    This depends on how different factors of the game will be created though. ( Maybe a idea for a gamemode )

    Raw materials
    Besides that (I may have missed it in the upcoming features page) I would like to see more raw materials added (ores):

    • iron (And progressed Steel)
    • silver
    • gold
    • platinum
    • Copper

    To give me a reason to go mining and give me a way to feel "rich" ingame.

    In my opinion I think it would be cool to add quick vampire like creatures at night, as hostile creatures, that maybe change back to a non hostile form during the day.

    Some ideas for the far future
    Maybe in the far future when the most updates are done, it would be nice to start adding gamemodes,
    like a pvp medieval faction mode (with castles and kingdoms) or a
    modern job mode with a cash flow to keep everything running or a
    Leveling gamemode so that you can level up your skills like mining.

    Let me know what you think and thank you for your time.


    Alex :thumbup: