Posts by ChogChey

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Howdy, not sure if this is planned or feasable within the scope of Rising World Unity. But I think it would be neat to have physics based building. Like placing down a beam and it being effected by physics, then being able to be built on to it. This could be used for Modding uses, or vanilla game uses. Like making functional custom boats, carts, seige weapons, or even aircraft.

    Of course this would need a seperate system for creating constraints between different physics builds, and wheels, engines, propellars, etc.

    I think this would add an insane amount of depth to the game, and would really make it stand apart from other survival random world generation crafting games.

    Mostly curious if this fits into the vision the devs have for the game, and if it hasn't already been considered, I'd like to suggest it!

    Thanks! :)