Posts by Tanner69046

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    This game in itself already has so much potential it can fulfill and there are many things I can suggest to add to the game. That being said, I am going to focus on the important things I think the game needs. I think the game needs a weather system that also can add a challenge. There should be seasons where in the winter food is scarce and in the summer food is plentiful. In the winter large snow storms can come through and make it possible to freeze to death if not warm. Also traveling through the snow makes you slower. In the spring there could be severe storms and maybe hail and wind. During the fall leaves fall from the trees. The farther north you go the colder and the farther south you go the warmer. In higher altitudes it is also cooler. That is just one aspect I think this game needs, Thanks! -Tanner69046