Posts by waterfox4421

    This game just keeps getting better! Thank you for all the hard work and dedication to this game. I have enjoyed this game for many years! I have a few questions and a suggestion.

    1. Will you make it so you can open a Map, Compass, or Clock while riding a horse or boat? I have to exit and open one of those three objects to be able to view them. It could be user error... but I don't know.
    2. Will you make a marker on your map for a horse that has a saddle on it? It would be great to be able to name the horse and have a marker so that if exploring some tunnel, I can remember where my horse is.
    3. When will there be other suits of clothes?
    4. Thought - what if you added a Trading ship that would come by on x day of Spring, Summer, and Fall? Maybe not winter because travel is dangerous. However, the trader could have different blueprints or some unique items or food, etc. We would then need to use gold or other materials to trade to purchase the goods. You could even make it so there would be a very very very high price for a ride back to civilization on the ship. This would end your map/game but give a sense of accomplishment of getting off of the islands.

    5. I recently picked up a barrel that had things in it. It caused the items in the barrel to be lost for good... that was a sad moment because I lost all of my aluminum. It makes sense to empty before picking up. But maybe you could add an error or something that says that the barrel or chests must be empty before moving.

    6. I love love love the primitive spear. So MUCH FUN. If I could throw it from horse back... that would be even better. But this is not Mount and Blade... But I do have a hope to do some hunting from my stead.

    Thank you again!