Posts by LaTrouTe
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
great job I use the french translation
i will wait I understand it just says error
thanks for translation )))
New Language Update Released August 16th - 15 New Languages have been translated for Rising World of the 34 planned languages.ok i forgot he had a translator
is wait update
hi I had the same problem the bozbird players on my server doing blueprints on others on top yes banning players s is the best way already done lol
ok thanks for info
good solved
I had 4 plants which had 5000 pieces
I since the beginning thought that it was real plant
Thank you for your help
Well I tried several ways without success
I have to demolish the plants branch by branch lol
I'll see if I can but it'll take like 4 plants to do lol
thank red51 you for your info I like the blacklist txt file better
everything works for ban thank you very much
thank you for your info I like the blacklist txt file better
everything works for ban thank you very much
p.s I never noticed setting blacklist it is noted
yes several times and the server restarts every 24 hours
hi thank you for your help I tested it doesn't work it removed all the other plants except the one in the screeshoot
Hello everyone
to add permission areas protection players
I looked at the example but I still only have the 3 displayed on the server even if I add other permissions
default permission
"area": {
"addplayer": false,
"removeplayer": false,
"setname": false
permission Areas
"area": {
"addplayer": false,
"canenter": true,
"canleave": true,
"removeplayer": false,
"setname": false
Hello everyone
to add permission areas
I looked at the example but I still only have the 3 displayed on the server even if I add other permissions
I tried several attempts but always the 3 by default are displayed
I may have an error name files or not in the correct file location
thanks all
Hello everyone
after a player did a bad job installing a blueprint on top of the house I removed everything from the blueprint but the 4 plant impossible to remove them screenshoot admin mode try everything nothing to do its still there
maybe there's something I haven't done, thank you for your help
ok is send log server and via pm thanks
Hello everyone
I tested with second steam account to use ban
I can connect even if I am banned but everything is registered by uid steam
even the players are banned and logged in who destroy things in the world etc.
command offlineban steam UID -1 info ban
screenshoot sqlite ban file database
ok thank you didn't see offlineban is not working
Hi all
for a server
I want to ban a player online or offline
when I do ban name duration and message it always says not found
However when I do playerinfo steam uid indicates the right names
I do it on the console command
text command
ban name -1 messageban
not working thanks for your help
thanks Red51 for info
hello yes
make a backup of your world before doing so if there is a problem
methode 1
you create a new world you go to world you take 3 npcs db file
delete the 3 db npcs files in your world you copy the 3 files you new world in your world
you restart your world and npcs are reset spwan bear horse etc
methode 2 easy
even better than that I tested you delete 3 db npcs files and when you restart it recreates itself
don't forget to make a backup before
file world db
file download
https://steamuserimages-a.akam…015568D7FC81D1904954D16A/ bear animal