Posts by Stix

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Stix and I'm new to the community. It was completely by chance that I stumbled upon this game, but it fits my creative needs to sort of design and create realistically. I still haven't played the game, though I do plan on purchasing it in it' alpha stage on Steam, but before I do I just had a few questions/suggestions for anyone willing to answer. Firstly, after viewing the website and the forums I'm still left with an unclear idea on how you envision the finished product of the game to be. I know there are features that you are working on and some you plan to work on in the future, but other than this there is no set or clear BIG picture. This might be partly due to the fact that the community might play a major role in how it turns out, but on a personal level I want to know how the developers are envisioning it.

    Moving on, I've gotten word that a farming system will eventually be implemented? I was curious as to whether or not this would include the animals of Rising World. Instead of only hunting them, being able to capture the wild hogs or goats, or whatever, to start a breeding herd and production farm. I think that would be pretty cool. Of course that would only work with a merchant system in place so that meat, fur, milk, mounts or whatever animal products can be obtained from the animals may be sold to other players. However, even without it small farms could be started so that an individual doesn't have to go hunting if they so desire. Instead they could just raise the animals for their own personal use rather than financial gain. It's probably a long shot from the huge list of things you guys are already working on/ have planned, but I think it would be a nice feature to add if you're already going to delve into farming and fishing.

    Side Note: I apologize if my post is repetitive or placed in the wrong thread or section =X