Posts by Dylan_C

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I'm not sure what the cpu name is, but... I have a standard Macbook Air 13.3 Inch, from 2011. If that helps. The game will open, but when I click to make a new world the game does open, and run. BUT, not at all can you move, or do anything at all with the game. It's like a standstill, and like teleporting. Also, it crashes... often... and any work you could get done, gets deleted because of the crash.

    I have the latest OSX Yosemite. Even with the latest update on there, it still doesn't run the game. When you try to walk in game, it takes forever to take even one step. As I said before, I have the latest update on steam, osx, etc...

    Thanks! :)

    I will post here what I sent to steam support.

    I really would like to experience the game, but my computer specs aren't quite up to what the standards are. This game is "too good" for me I guess you could say xD I love watching other people play this game, and enjoy seeing what all this game can do. It seems really amazing to me. But, in light of the situation, I can't and neither can my friend.

    I am talking to steam support now, and no offense to you guys, but I would really love to have my money back, so my friends and I can enjoy an experience together, and have fun at the same time. I am not knocking the game whatsoever, and I really do like it, unfortunately, I can't do anything with it, but would love to...

    Thank you guys for your time. Great game! :)

    Hello, I was told by steam support that I would need to contact you guys in order to have a chance of possibly getting a return of my money. The problem and reason I want to return the game is simple.. My computer just will not run it. Even on the lowest settings, the gameplay is just a horrible experience for me. I love the game itself, but just hate the fact that I can't play it. I would love to play it and watch it grow, along with it's community. But sadly that will not be an option for me, as my computer specs are not up to par. As I said before I was asked by steam support to have a staff member from the "Rising World" game to possibly help me in my troubles. There is basically nothing that can be done, and I spent $30.00 on a game for nothing. You might be saying "But the game is $15.00?" Well, I bought it for a friend as well, and his computer will not run it either, even on the minimum settings... We would both like to have our game returned, he has allowed me to speak on his behalf, and steam support knows this. I would like, if possible... A full refund of my $30.00, and for it to be added back to my steam account.

    Thank you guys!!
