The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
Hi there
STEAM updated directly to alpha
I switch to fullscreen in graphic options,
now Steam opens and directly close the Game,
no window appears.
No new start possible
Had to be an old error, I will find, what is be written to do now.
iMAC 27 (2011)
2,7 GHz Intel Core i5
12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB
edit: fixed with file will be found on MACs by pushing go to - menue in Finder and go to hidden Library folder
auch von mir ein paar gute Wünsche, mal paar Tage ohne Hektik...
schön, dass du nun mehr weisst....
please don´t worry, the important threads are mostly written in english and in the right forums, so "only english" do not miss some infos....
Klickst Du auf Website,
gehst Du ganz runter,
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, alles da...
and the music does end, must start the game new.
ingame mit ^
makeadmin <player> - gives admin rights to a player
New Player Reference - Tips and Tricks - Updated Dec 8
correct, and then it starts updating and you are on vwrsion
have to say to STEAM options, that you will auto-update the games...
auf ist das Gefängnis auch schon ein Thema
very cool
same probs, 2 minutes "connect to..." then "unable to connect" and I fell back in the main-menu and music is off.
Update version 0.51 is online for STEAM-Users
afraid, that in some weeks the world ist empty, felled all trees,
so wait, until we can plant new trees...
what kind of Apples MAC do we talk here? IMAC? MacBook?
please be aware, an IMAC has only an ATI RADEON HD 6770 M with 512 MB, it will be very normal to have mostly FPS around 15-23.
Thats the facts of mine.
did you read this. Full screen
Ha, das ist ja jetzt witzig, mir geht es genau gleich...
Ich mache Holzblöcke für den Boden und weiss dann nicht mehr, welches Holz ich da gecraftet habe.
Es wäre tatsächlich sehr hilfreich, wenn in einem der nächsten Updates die "TOOLTIPS" einen angepassten Text hätten, vielleicht Birke, Eiche, Tanne... oder einfach Holz_07 , Holz_08 usw.
Aber bitte keine Hektik, ist ungesund.
key F
and please look at all the help
specially here: New Player Reference - Tips and Tricks - Updated Dec 6written by Quezax