Posts by klaael

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. :D

    I agree that this would take a long time but I also agree with Campbell.
    Take your time, this feature would be really worth the wait in the long run.

    I think it would be wise to start with the original idea of PVE content and here and there work on designing and implementing the other NPC group over the course of the project.
    Or maybe work on tools to create a NPC group first (Models, Animations set, Audio set, Stats, equipment and behavior type), use this tool to create your original PVE content and then release the tools for mods/steam workshop once it is deemed decent for the community.


    I played Minecraft since Alpha, played Terraria and a truck load of other games of that kind (survival sandbox).
    There is one thing that I always wanted and never really saw it in any games of that type before.

    Game modes (or more options when creating a world or managing a server? 7days2die/Don't Starve style?)

    Some players wants to do creative, others wants to focus on PVE or PVP and that is totally fine. I think most of this genre of games offer the option to do this or enforces it on their users.
    Some players will prefer fighting against monsters, zombies, animals, tribes, witches, demon... name it. But most of the games focus on a single theme of enemies.

    I would like to see a possibility to select one or multiple game modes/enemies at the same time.

    I personally prefer the zombie universe in a survival environment because of the chance of being infected, scarce resources and restless enemies. (Dayz, 7days2die)
    But to make a successful zombie theme within a PVP environment, the zombies needs to be more dangerous than annoying or else, the players will prefer to kill each other over resources instead of helping each other survive to get more resources easily.

    At the same time I also like to survive against a nature itself. (Frozen State, The long dark, Starforge)
    Bad weather, searching for ways to generate food, dangerous environment like steep cliffs, Volcanos.
    There is also wild life, both on earth and in the water.

    There is a tribe theme that is also fun to play against.(The Forest)

    All those themes are pretty fun but they are all different games. What if I want to play against Tribes and zombies but have the wild life on passive or play against all of them with PVP thrown on the pile.

    What I am suggesting is that when creating a map or loading an existing map, I would like to have the option of toggling if I want that type of PVE NPC on my map and what behavior they should have.

    Here is an example of what the menu would "Look like"


    Behavior (drop down menus)


    This type of choices would make the game much more attractive,versatile and would attract more people.
    It would most probably be expanded by the community through mods and/or steam workshop.

    I know that this is a lot to implement in a game.
    I work also work in the game industry but unfortunately not in a position where I can give my input on what would be nice to see in a game. X/

    I know this post is long. If you have read up to here thanks a lot :D

    Please participate in suggesting themes that could be added in the long run of this game or voice your opinion about this suggestion.