Posts by CrissaRobin

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    opening to the journal automatically is my would save me from repeating the same things every time someone new signs on!! stacking melons ,especially ,is also a great suggestion!!

    Two days ago, much to my surprise and also concern, when I went to log onto my server ..lo and behold. . the name was gone! It was not "Hope For The Flowers" but instead "Default Rising World Server" UGH!!! I was not happy! I immediately went into my configurations area of server...which I rent from Nitrado...and found not only the name changed but also fly mode and PVP turned on.( I had them both dis-abled). OK, thot biggie..a glitch...a hick-up (terms I am learning to use since joining the wonderful world of gamers!) I changed things back and went back to again join server......uh was as tho I had not attempted to correct situation at all! I tend to be rather "bull headed" so went back and forth making these same changes SEVEN (yes..7) times, all to no avail. At this point I was a tiny bit worried but mostly upset due to the fact that many of our players would think that I had just folded my tent and gone off....leaving them and all their creations somewhere in digital space. I went back to Nitrado, the company I rent server from and first tried phoning Germany, it said they used both English and German to help but ,dog-gone it....I heard only German for perhaps a minute and then the dreaded.. dial tone!! Next I wrote out a "ticket" and emailed it to them, within seconds receiving a reply back saying they would check into the problem. The next day nothing had changed and we were very obviously hosting much fewer players than usual. NOW I was getting I sent a second ticket.....again receiving the same emailed response that they would look into it. (Trumpets please!) This AM I received an email ,agin from Nitrado saying all was fixed and how sorry they were for the problem having existed at all. The reason for this post is to openly thank Nitrado for the very timely fashion in which they addressed and fixed a problem that had not only me but many of my players upset and concerned. Thank you Nitrado!!! At this point I would also like to sneak in a thank you to all the Devs here at Rising World........Many ,many thanks for a wonderful and very creative game, lol, also for the latest update! As soon as my server was up and running properly I created a blueprint ,used it and stood back to admire my lot with very lovely windows and wall DID say the blocks would not appear but I had to try it anyway!! Bravo!

    I just spent quite a time mining lots of lovely new ores, smelted them into ingots and thot myself very smart indeed just to have them all disappear as soon as placed in a chest. I am NOT a happy camper...Boo Hoo.

    Hi, I have a server :Hope For The Flowers USA, which also "says it all". BUT...and it may be a huge but to you...I am new to all this and therefore my server is "raw" ...doesn't look like Yahgiggles (which you would be wise to check out) .His is called Rising City. Do a search here and check out some photos of his fantastic city. You are very welcome to try out mine too and altho I'm getting better have a long way to go. If you are a computer nerd you are particularly welcome because I could really use some help running this server. I'd be happy to have someone to share responsibilities with and even possibly learn from.CrissaRobin