Posts by XerXez

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hi guys love the game but as always could always be better ;)

    Was removing grass and worked the land to build up my village/city, and had alot of time to think about stuff that could be cool into the game.


    Would be cool if u could tame the cows, pigs and sheep and build a barn to have them in, and maybe like cows u could milk them, sheep u could shave and get wool out of them

    Maybe get horses into to the game to ride on when u want to travel long distance.

    Fish, birds.


    Paint should be nice to get into the game, i was building and after i was done i didnt like the end of the building. would be nice to be able to paint the walls or the roof if u dont like the resultat after finish building.


    Maybe get a bow into the game for hunting.

    Crafting (blocks):

    Maybe get some better way to find what blocks u just did, sometimes u could spend some time to find the right one again. ( maybe click on the block/plank u want to use ).


    Would like to scale some of the furniture like the leather soffa and chair the are abit to big takes up to much space.


    Fishing rod.

    Buildings/Furniture interaction:

    Would like to put stuff into the market stand, put flowers into a urn, make a lamp stand on a table.


    Alot of more food into the game


    Farms to plant veg. as u get sapplings from tree´s u could get seed from apple and watermelons


    Cooking have alot of diffrents dish to serve with.
    Armorsmith/weaponsmith as there is pvp in the game some armor/weapon would be nice to make.

    ok i think thats all for NOW :) more will probably come after few more hours playing :thumbsup:

    Some stuff might already be in planing but i just brainstorming. And sorry for my English :|
