Simple horse stable - Planking the walls

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
  • Hi guys & Ladies :)

    I am slowly getting the gist of building in this game ... so some help would be greatly appreciated LOL

    1) In the attached pic Tornado "My horse" is standing in his new stable... (And he doesnt like carrots ??) I need to plank the walls but I cant find a right triangle shape to close off the side from the roof - Any alternative ideas ?

    2) The side planking I thought would be easy but alas as in the pic I cannot turn the plank to lean a bit backwards (See item 2 on the attached pic) so I can lay them over each other to create a rain proof wall. The only thing that seem to work is to just place the plank directly next to each other or does someone know some magic ? :)

    Many thanx


  • Well, what do you know... Deirdre was right yet again, although you had me thinking there for some time..

    Have you tried to use another rotation?

    The planks now lean backward precisely as I want them. So all is good . I achieved this by leaning over the length of the plank and not the width... btw: Tornado is stuck in a very large hole in the ground... We fell in last night looking for Bandits LOL

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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