Here is an overview of all items and objects which are currently available in the new version (as of 0.6.7). You can use the item command to get an item (e.g. item repeater).
To get a construction item, just use the generic item construction or item pnb command to bring up a shape selection.
To spawn an npc, you can use the spawnnpc command (optionally provide a "locked" parameter to prevent the npc from moving).
ammorepeater arrow arrowexplosive arrowprimitive aluminiumingot aluminiumore aluminiumwire apple axe axesteel bandage bellpepper blueprint bomb bottle bow1 bread breaddough canteen carrot carrotslices chili circuitboard coal coalpowder coarsecloth combatknife compassmodern compassold cookie cookiedough corncob cotton decal egg flashlight flashlightlarge goldingot goldore gingerroot gunpowder hempfibers flour hoe hoesteel ironingot ironplate leather lettuce lettuceleaves lightbulb lumber measuringtape medkit megaphone miningdrill musicdisc oldshears oredetector paintbrush paintroller pear penlight pickaxe pickaxesteel poster potato pouch primitiveaxe primitiveknife primitiveknife2 primitivespear pumpkin pumpkinseeds pumpkinslice rags rake rakewood repeater ribkit1 ribkit2 ribstorage boatengine1 ripepear rope rowboatkit1 rowboatkit2 rowboatstorage paddle1 rubberduck saddlehorse saddlebaghorse sapling scythe scythesteel sickle sicklesteel sledgehammer sledgehammersteel soccerball splint steak steakburned steakcooked steakdried stick stone sugarbeet sulfur sulfurpowder tomato toolbelt torch treelog trimmer tungsteningot tungstenore tungstenwire walkietalkie wateringcan watermelon watermelonslice waterskin wheat wool yarn |
anvil barrierlight bedold1 benchold birdhouse blueprinttable bonfire brazier bulkheadlamp1 bulkheadlamp2 cabinet1 campfire candle chair chest1 clock constructionbarrier crowdbarrier doorglass1 doorglass1b doorglass2 doorglass2 doormodern1 doormodern2 doormodern3 doorold1 doorold1b doorold2 doorold2b doorold3 doorold4 doorold5 firelogs floodlight frontdoorglass1 frontdoorglass2 furnace furnacebig gift gramophone grandfatherclock grinder ironsign1 jackolantern jackolantern2 ladder lantern leatherarmchair leathercouch lionhead logbench masonryoven mattress meatdryer paperpress piano primitivedoor1 primitivedoor1b primitivedoro1c primitivefurnace primitiveshelter primitiveworkbench safe saloondoor1 saloondoor2 saloondoor3 sheltercanopy1 sheltercanopy1b shootingtarget1 shootingtarget2 sign1 sign2 sign3 skewer snowman soccergoal spinningwheel strawbed streetlamp1 table tanningrack teddy tentmodern tentsmall toro trashcan1 trashcan2 trashcan3 trough walltorch weathervane woodenbarrel woodenbarrelopen woodshelf1 workbench workbenchmodern xmastree xmaswreath |
pig piglet cow bull calf sheep ram lamb sheepshorn ramshorn goat billygoat goatling chicken chick hare earthworm deer deerstag deercalf deerred fox arcticfox moose moosebull moosecalf wildsow wildboar wildpiglet bear bearmale bearcub horse unicorn polarbear zebra lion lioness elephant rhinoceros penguin snake spider dummy |