Server Commands [New Version]

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The new version supports some input commands which can be entered in the server console - not to be confused with ingame commands which can be entered in the ingame console!

    Input commands don't require you to be logged into the server and they don't require specific permissions, considering that everyone who has access to the server process is probably also a server admin.

    Note: If you want to execute the commands from the scheduler, make sure to put a slash at the beginning, e.g. "/say" etc.

    Overview of all currently available input commands:

    saySends a chat message to all players. If you want to send a chat message to a specific player, append "@playername" (e.g. "say @Testplayer Hello Testplayer!").
    Supports rich text, e.g. to send a blue chat message, you can type "say <color=blue>This is blue text</color>
    yellSends a yell message to all players (i.e. a big announcement message). Like the say command, you can send this to a specific player by appending "@playername".
    Example: "yell Server will restart in 10 minutes" or "yell @Testplayer Stop griefing!"
    kickKicks a particular player. Use "kick <player> <reason>"
    kickallKicks all players from the server. Use "kickall <reason>"
    spgChanges the permission group of a player
    saveallSaves all world changes. Usually this happens automatically every few seconds
    restartRestarts the server, i.e. shuts down the server and restarts the server process (experimental feature)
    shutdownShuts the server down gracefully (may take a few seconds). If you append a "now", the server process terminates immediately (but this is not recommended)
    httprequestSends a http request to a specific url. If the request is sucessful, the result will be invoked as a separate command. Use "httprequest <url>"
    reloadpluginsReloads all plugins which are currently loaded through the Plugin API
    unloadpluginsUnloads all plugins which are currently loaded through the Plugin API
    makeadminGives admin permission to a particular player. Use "makeadmin <playername>" or "makeadmin <playeruid>"
    revokeadminRevokes admin permission from a particular player. Use "revokeadmin <playername>" or "revokeadmin <playeruid>"
    todChanges the time of day (24 hour format). Use "tod <hours> <minutes>"
    weatherChanges the weather. Use "weather <name>". If you append a "1", the weather changes immediately (instead of a smooth transition)
    memoryPrints information about the current memory usage. Note: This only covers memory which is actually used be the server, not the overall memory that's already allocated by the process
    versionPrints the current server version

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