i brought it useing paypal it then gave me the down load link i unpack it press load 86 one get log in menu but keeps telling me i havent brought i have!
just brought need help!
- john1978
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
I'm really sorry about that issue! That never happened before. We did not receive the final notification from PayPal yet, that's the reason you can't login. I would ask you to wait perhaps another 30 minutes or so, if we haven't received the notification then, we activate your account manually. We have an eye on it, and I'll report back here as soon as this problem is solved.
That ok problems happen i have receipt if you need prove from paypal i use my wife tho so it on on her paypal account
Thank you very much for your understanding and patience!
I guess it's just a delay, perhaps some server is busy or something like that. We will look into that. But don't worry, your money is definitely not lost
Ok thank you for replying nice guy!
The issue should be fixed now! Please try again to log in, it should work now
If you can't login yet, please let us know.
It works thank you .
I'm glad to hear that! Thanks again for your patience!
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