The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Love playing the new version in part because its so majestic, but long distances mean a lot of walking. While I'm visually enjoying the scenery, my RL bag pf bones would like to at least sip my coffee from point A to B. Searched setting, either its not there or I'm doing it wrong.

    Can you give us an auto-walk command? (Or tell me how its labeled in settings?)


    "The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage." ~Jack London

  • The new version indeed has an auto-walk feature, but unfortunately it's not exposed to the settings yet, so it needs to be set up in the config file manually :hushed: To do that, go to the game directory (to the "_New Version" subfolder if you have the Steam version) and open the "" file with a text editor. There should be an entry "Input_AutoRun", just change it to the desired key (e.g. enter "key_v" w/o quot. marks if you want to bind it to V, so the line would look like this: Input_AutoRun=key_v), then save the file and launch the game. If you now press V ingame, the player will start walking automatically ;)

    Unfortuantely this feature is still a bit limited, i.e. the player cannot sprint or avoid obstacles automatically. It also doesn't work while flying (F2), for example.

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