Dedicated Server Update?

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Hi is there a new appID for the update? I tried to update, seemed to work but I get error about version mismatch on start up.

    steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir "D:\RisingWorld" app_update 339010 -beta unity +exit
  • What sort of message is that? Does it show up when starting the server, or when trying to join?

    Did Steam actually download the 0.5 update? Maybe try to add a validate in SteamCMD after the app ID to make sure that Steam also validates the file...

    If that doesn't work, maybe post a server log here (or send it via PM to me) :)

  • Ok will do! It did seem to download and update. The error was when I started the server right at the top of the output window.

    I deleted the folder and now it wont do anything at all lol. Let me work on it.

  • Ok I just wiped everything out and not issues. But updating exiting folder gave me that error at top of server client originally. Probably user error. TY sir!

  • That's weird :wat: Some people are having problems downloading the game through Steam, so maybe that's somehow related (i.e. Steam having some download issues)... nevertheless, I'm glad to hear it works now! :)

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