Suggestions for indoor Planting plus more varieties of plants

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  • Hi this is Frank Krischick
    and i like to place some new suggestions on indoor farming
    i have played this on the new version and is has everything i need for gaming
    But all i would need is some more paradise elements to farming and wildlife and indoor farming
    the objects that we need are

    Shovels : for dirt being picked up so that you can use it for later in your inventory

    Planters : sizeable planters round and squares the more it increase in size the more you can plant
    or small flowerpots

    Fauna trees
    Variations of fauna Trees : Elder Berry trees , Plum trees , Peach trees , Pear trees , Walnut trees , Hazelnut trees , Chestnut trees , Orange trees , Grapefruit trees , Coconut palm Fig trees (wildlife and for outdoor gardening)

    Fauna shrubs
    Variations of smaller fruits : black berry Raspberry , berry red currant , black currant , white currant , blueberry , gooseberry , rose hip. (also suitable for indoors)

    Fauna herbs
    Variations of smaller wild edibles and non edibles
    stinging nettle , ground elder , plantain , yarrow , cow parsley , parsnip
    (please note that i post this for inspirations so that the forrest and wild heathfields and willowfields more varible edible and beautiful )

    Varieties of the Fungi

    Mushrooms growing on ground : white button mushroom , chanterelle , porchini
    Mushrooms growing on trees : maitake mushroom , oister mushroom and chicken of the woods.

    Equipment : Grow lights : small tube50 watts , default tube 100 watts large tubes 200 watts

  • Shovels : for dirt being picked up so that you can use it for later in your inventory

    Also for sand, mud, etc... well for now there is just small amounts of sand, but it will change and with arrival of deserts etc... like in Java version you have no Shovel and it's kinda weird to catch sand with your pickaxe... :/

    So yeah, shovel it's indeed a tool to bring imo

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