Server Federation

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  • A Server Federation would nice, because it could help to keep this game attractive for some years. Since most worlds have an unique salt this could be seen as an Adress which could be entered into an Portal (just like in Stargate). If one finds his Portal and an Adress, they could try to enter another World, to do what ever they want.

    The technical idea is inspired by the chat protocol where a user connects to its Server and when this user wants to talk to someone on another server the servers do all the transport of informations.

    To Implement this you would need an Masterserver which would translate the salt adress to the ip/port. Therefore you would need an protocol which would allow the Server to stream the userdata to other servers as well as an enctrypted database to prevent cheating. There will also be some other problem like script restriction to allow owners to develop and share new technology but to disable god mode scripts etc...

    It should be possible to disable the encryption to keep the current support for modifications, but to enter the Federation the Server needs to be encrypted and somehow validated since the first start.

    I guess you understand the idea, because there are a lot of movies that do the same but i don't know any games that would support such a feature. Distributed Services is nothing new in the context of web appliction but it would be new for games with dedicated servers. Well yeah and the new World of Sandbox Survival Games would be just be perfect to implement this idea. :)

  • It's an interesting idea. But I think the issue would be that the devs would have to control the servers connected this way in order to manage them. So people would not be able to host them and have this feature. To do both I think would be some crazy coding for sure... but who knows.. maybe it isn't so difficult (I'm no coder...).

    Anyways, there is a game which does this kind of thing. Oort Online which is in development and I am interested in (very similar to Minecraft in some ways but goes much further I believe). Here is a link to their site which shows how they are doing the portal thing. You can actually see into the next world before entering, on either side of the portal.…ads/2014/07/in-game-2.jpg

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • But I think the issue would be that the devs would have to control the servers connected this way in order to manage them.

    Yeah you would need some kind of whitelist where server admins apply to take part in this federation.

    The main problem is to limit the scripting functionality and prevent manipulations on the database. With other words you have to take the server owners some admin rights if they want to join the federation. This way Servers do not have to be run by the devs and the owners still could do some customizations, but the customizations should be limited to prevent advantages.

    It would also be possible to just implement the feature and let the community create such federations. This way the different communities could dictate what scripts are allowed to join their federation, but this would be less fun because you could not explore 1000 worlds.

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