Items getting deleted

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  • I’ve just started a discussion with myself (never a good idea) about a trivial thing which nevertheless badgers me again and again. So I chose to just post it.

    Thing is:
    I really like to throw things around my house as part of the decoration (such as tools and flowers and apples and tree saplings and so on) but every time I log out these items will be deleted.
    Which I find good in regard of having the world cleaned of rubbish I threw away but… Would it be possible (desirable at all?) to be able to choose some things lying around to not be deleted?
    What do you think? (Irrelevant thought? Too much clutter? Or maybe not that bad after all?)

  • What I would do is, make the garbage bins functional. Want to get rid of stuff.. throw it in the garbage (of varying sizes of course, up to large dumpsters maybe). And what is dropped in the world, just leave it. No despawn. Then people could do as they wish and trash is dealt with in an immersive way.

    Maybe outside of protected areas, if something is dropped and no players comes near it for a certain length of time, it despawns just so useless clutter doesn't build up.

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