Aleppo Pine - No Saplings, Unmatched Log Types

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  • In the Savannah biome, the Aleppo Pine does not give any saplings. Also, there seem to be different shapes of the Aleppo Pine, and their logs don't stack with each other. Harvesting the Aleppo Pine has resulted in 3 different log types/stacks, even though the logs look the same and have the same inventory name. Is this a known issue or is it just me?

  • Unfortunately the aleppo pine saplings didn't make it into the update... but they will be added with one of the upcoming updates :)

    About the tree logs, basically there are indeed 3 different types of logs from them, that's why they don't stack atm... but they have the same icon in inventory (which isn't intended). We'll probably change that.

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