Ich bekomme meinen Server einfach nicht zum Laufen / Zugriff

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • Also anscheinend bin ich einfach zu dumm für das ganze was Server betrifft .

    Habe den Server über steamcmd runtergeladen und die server einstellungen vorgenommen

    danach als administrator den server gestartet über die exe datei .

    Nun das Grosse Problem : Ich sehe den Server nicht in der Liste und es kann keiner beitreten

    ports wurden in router und firewall freigegeben , öffentliche ip ist vorhanden

    erreichbar ist immer nur die serverip-1 in meinem fall 26014

    server log :

    Rising World Dedicated Server Version (11) 2024-03-28 17:45

    Windows 11 (10.0.22631) 64bit (Desktop)

    AMD Ryzen 5 5560U with Radeon Graphics , 12 Cores, 2296 MHz

    AMG10 (AWOW Technology CO., Ltd.) 15774 MB RAM

    Commit: 931dc7d1acad52e734bcd4801cb708c3d34bb990

    Branch: master JobID: 15026


    [C++] Initialize Main.cpp

    Initialized default settings (496 ms)

    Initialized command-line arguments (0 ms)

    Load definitions...

    Loaded 262 block infos from db!

    Loaded ore spawn definitions from db!

    Loaded 230 item definitions from db!

    Loaded 40 item variants from db!

    Loaded 30 picking definitions from db!

    Loaded 50 item-info definitions from db!

    Loaded 26 consume definitions from db!

    Loaded 5 projectile definitions from db!

    Loaded 5 weapon definitions from db!

    Loaded 44 construction definitions from db!

    Loaded 264 plant definitions from db!

    Loaded 129 object definitions from db!

    Loaded 13 object variants from db!

    Loaded 9 object info definitions from db!

    Loaded 12 storage definitions from db!

    Loaded 45 clothing definitions from db!

    Loaded 38 skin definitions from db!

    Loaded 2 vehicle definitions from db!

    Loaded 8 vehicle components from db!

    Loaded 8 vehicle assembly data from db!

    Loaded 43 npc definitions (37 variants, 95 loot tables) from db!

    Loaded 3 music track definitions from db!

    Found 584 crafting recipes...

    Loaded 10 crafting stations from db!

    Loaded 524 crafting recipes from db!

    Loaded 7 crafting requirements from db!

    Loaded 23 biomes from db (474 spawns)!

    Loaded 4 world regions from db!

    Loaded 14 weather definitions from db!

    Loaded 24 loot definitions from db!

    Initialized definitions (66 ms)

    Checking ports...

    Port check done!

    Init hm manager... 1889447656 b

    Hm header: 19, total: 1889447656, num: 150

    Init biome data manager... 41943470 b

    Bd header: 14, total: 41943470, num: 4

    Close SQLite databases...

    Check world version:

    Load world 'New World' (SQLite)

    JavaVM options:

    [0] -Xmx1024M

    [1] -Xms32M

    [2] -Xss1M

    [3] -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256M

    [4] -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow

    [5] -XX:+SuppressFatalErrorMessage

    JNI: Successfully created new VM (140704070522544)!

    Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2250374177248, thread: 1)


    [Java] Add library: C:/Users/David/Desktop/Steam cmd/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/snakeyaml.jar

    [Java] Add library: C:/Users/David/Desktop/Steam cmd/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/sqlitejdbc.jar

    [Java] Add library: C:/Users/David/Desktop/Steam cmd/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/mariadb.jar

    0Initialize C# PluginManager...

    [Java] Initialize event handler (net.risingworld.api.events.Listener)

    [Java] PluginManager initialized! JDK 20

    [Java] Initialize plugin UI manager

    [Java] Initialize plugin game object manager

    Initialized PluginManager after 154 ms

    [17:45:02] No permissions folder found!

    [17:45:02] No default permission found!

    SQLite version: 3.42.0

    World infos:

    * Version:

    * Seed: 546112666708887

    * Gamemode: Survival

    * WorldType: Default

    * OreAmount: VeryHigh

    * Flatness: Default

    * Vegetation: Enabled

    * Caves: Enabled

    * Ocean: Enabled

    * SnowyMountains: Enabled

    * CreationDate: 1711564145

    * LastPlayed: 1711643886

    * SpawnPosition: (4352.50, 100.59, 1174.50)

    * SpawnRotation: (0.00000, 0.80390, 0.00000, 0.59476)

    [17:45:02] SQLite: Counters table key 'globalid' does not exist!

    GlobalID counter set to 100

    INITIAL WEATHER: Overcast (1314.279)

    PluginLoader: Load plugins (False)

    [Java] Load 0 possible plugins from C:\Users\David\Desktop\Steam cmd\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins

    Reset server plugin manager...

    Reset PluginUIManager (0 elements)...

    Reset PluginGameObjectManager (0 objects)...

    Reset PluginAssetManager (0 assets)...

    Starting RW Dedicated Server...

    Starting 6 server chunk worker threads...

    Starting 1 server water worker threads (update: 0.1, sync: 0.5)...

    Server bind to IP: ***.***.***.***:26015

    [ENET SERVER] Create Server IP: Port: 26015 Clients: 256

    Init server platform (Steam)

    Set environment variable to 324080

    [S_API] GameServer.Init(0, 26015, 26014, eServerModeAuthentication, 202402211)

    Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 324080

    SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197960265728 [API loaded no]

    Register Steam message hook...

    Server SteamID: 90071992547409920 (0)


    [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerSpawn): say @{1} Hello {1}, welcome to SCA. There are currently {0} players online!

    [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerDeath): say <color=red>Player {1} died...</color>

    [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerKilledPlayer): say <color=red>{2} killed {1} with {3}</color>

    [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerKilledPlayer): yell @{2} <color=red>{1} killed!</color>

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (every 3600 s): say This is just a test server for the new version

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 41400 s): say Warning: Server restarts in 30 minutes!

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 42300 s): say Warning: Server restarts in 15 minutes!

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 42600 s): yell Server restarts in 10 minutes!

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 42900 s): yell Server restarts in 5 minutes!

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 43140 s): lock Server is currently restarting, please try again shortly!

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 43140 s): kickall Server restart

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 43140 s): saveall

    [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (in 43200 s): restart

    [SCHEDULER] Initialized

    [Masterlist] Start ping

    Initialized server (479 ms)

    Create Public Webserver IP: Port: 26014

    Add Prefix: /

    Add Prefix: /info

    Add Prefix: /playerlist

    Add Prefix: /images/header

    Initialized webserver (5 ms)

    Establishing connection...

    [Masterlist] Returned OK. IP ->

    [STEAM] Server connected, public IP ->

    Dedicated server is ready! (2.567 s)


    die server properties :

    ## Rising World - Dedicated Server Version (11) Settings ##


    # UIDs of server admins (separated by semicolon)


    # If true, the console window gets cleared on startup


    # If true, the server.properties file will not include comments


    # Optional contact mail address or website (where players may contact you)


    # Relative path to an optional server header image (shown in server browser if user selects the server). Recommended size: 1024x512 px


    # Determines after how many days old server logs should be deleted. -1 to keep all logs


    # Optional server description (max 4096 characters). Visible in server browser (when player selects a server)

    Server_Description=Offizieller Server der Survival Community Austria

    # If true, SQLite won't set up a savepoint or use a transaction when performing a world conversion


    # If true, the server will check if any of the server ports (UDP and TCP) are already in use


    # Server target framerate (only affects the main thread). Default: 60


    # If true, the server process listens for direct console input


    # Server IP. Leave blank if you want the server to bind to all addresses


    # If true, the server creates log files in the 'Logs' subfolder


    # Server name (shows up in server list)

    Server_Name=Survival Community Austria

    # Server port (TCP and UDP)


    # If true, the server performs an actual restart if the "restart" command is issued. Else it just shuts the server down


    # Optional short server name (max 32 characters). Leave blank to use regular server name


    # Determines how often Steam tries to reconnect after losing connection. -1 for unlimited retries


    # If true, the server blocks all players (UID) who are blacklisted ("blacklist" file in server dir)


    # If true, the server ensures that no player uses a reserved name (unless his UID matches)


    # If true, the server only accepts players (UID) who are whitelisted ("whitelist" file in server dir)


    # Determines whether or not the server should be visible in the server list (remember to change the server name)


    # Determines if the integrated webserver should be started. Required for RCON and queries



    # Determines if caves should be disabled


    # If true, the game will automatically create a backup of the world when performing a conversion (after an update)


    # Optional list of disabled npcs


    # World flatness factor. Valid values: "VeryFlat", "Flat", "Default", "Steep", "VerySteep"


    # Default world game mode (only used when a new world is created). Either "Survival" or "Creative"


    # Name of the world which should be loaded (if it does not exist, it will be created)

    World_Name=New World

    # Determines if the ocean (water) should be disabled


    # World ore amount. Valid values: "Off", "Low", "Default", "High", "VeryHigh"


    # If false, the game will no longer save world changes


    # Seed that's used for world creation (only when a new world is created). Blank for random seed


    # Determines if vegetation should be disabled


    # World terrain type. E.g. "Default", "Superflat" or "FlatIslands"



    # Determines if the global chat should be active


    # If true, emojis will be shown in chat (depending on player permission)


    # Amount of seconds until an unused chunk gets disposed. Low values reduce memory consumption, high values improve performance


    # Amount of chunk worker threads. Set to 0 for automatic assignment


    # Factor to modify the duration it takes to cook or process food. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, cooking takes half the time etc.


    # Time in seconds until dead bodies despawn. Default: 1800 (30 minutes)


    # Determines after how many days old world event entries should be deleted. -1 to keep all entries


    # Game mode (0 = survival, 1 = creative)


    # If true, floating objects (like furniture) break under certain circumstances


    # If true, floating plants break under certain circumstances


    # Factor to modify the duration until the player gets hungry/thirsty. Smaller values make the player more hungry/thirsty. Default: 1


    # If too many illegal states are detected for a player, he will be kicked from the server


    # Time in seconds until a dropped item despawns


    # If true, player world events (e.g. place or remove elements or terrain) will be tracked and logged


    # Determines how many npcs are allowed on this server. -1 for no limit (default)


    # Maximum number of online players on the server


    # Determines the cooldown until the game tries to respawn npcs in a chunk. Default: 1800 (seconds)


    # Spawn rate for animals. Lower values for less animals, higher values for more. Default: 1


    # Spawn rate for surface enemies (like bandits). Lower values for less enemies, higher values for more. Default: 1


    # If a floating object breaks, it will spawn as item if its place time is less than this value (seconds)


    # Factor to modify the duration it takes to smelt ores. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, smelting takes half the time etc.


    # Set this if you want to override the deep underground location name ("Deep Underground")


    # Set this if you want to override the default location name ("Wilderness")


    # Set this if you want to override the hell location name ("Hell")


    # Set this if you want to override the orbit location name ("Orbit")


    # Set this if you want to override the underground location name ("Underground")


    # When spawning several world items at once, the server tries to merge them (performance reasons) if set to true


    # Determines if peaceful mode should be active, i.e. enemies do not attack (unless provoked)


    # Determines if blocks should be picked up automatically when deconstructing them with a sledgehammer


    # Factor to modify the duration it takes for plants to grow. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, growth is twice as fast etc.


    # If true, the player list (i) will show the distance to other players


    # If true, the player list (i) will show the permission group of other players


    # If true, the player list (i) will show the total playtime of other players


    # Determines how many "undo" steps are tracked per player


    # Determines how long (seconds) an undo step is valid


    # If true, the player will hear a heartbeat sound when being detected by a hostile npc


    # If true, this server is advertised as PvE server (this alone does not affect the gameplay)


    # If true, this server is advertised as PvP server (this alone does not affect the gameplay)


    # If true, general messages (time of day or weather changed) will show up in the chat


    # Determines how long the current location should be shown to the player (in seconds). Set -1 to always show the location


    # If true, all players will be notified when a player connects to the server


    # If true, all players will be notified when a player dies


    # If true, all players will see why a player died (only if ShowPlayerDeathMessage is true)


    # If true, all players will be notified when a player leaves the server


    # If true, a restart reminder will be sent to all admins if the server is running for more than 24 hours


    # Determines if clients are allowed to skip the loading screen when connecting to the server


    # Optional rotation (in degrees) of the sky (determines where the sun rises and sets). Default: 0


    # If true, chests will spawn all their content as world items if a player breaks them. May have performance implications


    # Player spawn protection. Newly spawned players won't get attacked by npcs during the spawn protection. Default: 5 (seconds)


    # Initial weather effect (e.g. "fog", "rain" etc). Leave blank for default weather


    # Duration (real time minutes) of one ingame day. Default: 60 (minutes)


    # Determines how often flowing water should be updated (seconds). Set to 0 to disable flowing water. Default: 0.1


    # Determines how often flowing water updates should be synced with the clients (seconds). Default: 0.5


    # Number of water worker threads (responsible for handling water updates). Set to 0 for automatic assignment


    # Factor to modify the time until the weather changes. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, weather changes twices as frequently etc.


    # Weather preset. 1 = default, 2 = sunny, 3 = unsettled, 0 = off (no weather changes)



    # If true, the database runs in RAM (faster) and is only stored periodically on disc. Increases memory usage


    # When using memory database, it's periodically saved to disc. Change the save interval (seconds) with this value (default: 60)


    # Sets the journal mode. It's recommended to use WAL. 0 = off, 1 = memory, 2 = delete, 3 = truncate, 4 = persist, 5 = WAL (default)


    # Synchronous flag. 0 = off, 1 = normal (default), 2 = full



    # Only set this to true if you want to use a custom RCON tool (this disables the built-in RCON tool)


    # Certificate path (Relative to server dir)


    # Certificate password


    # Determines whether or not the RCON tool should be enabled


    # RCON IP. Leave blank to use default server IP


    # Password required for RCON login. Min 6 characters (!)


    # RCON port (TCP)


    # If set, only these IPs (separated by semicolon) may access the RCON tool



    # Determines whether or not plugins should be loaded. If false, no JVM will be created


    # Max number of plugin errors until the server throws an exception


    # Amount of heap memory (MB) for the Java VM. Default: 1024


    # Optional Java VM options, separated by semicolon



    # If true, server admins get full permissions, irrespective of their actual permission group


    # Default permission group for new players. Leave blank to apply default permissions


    server sichtbarkeit ist eingeschaltet , port 26015 trotz weiterleitung in router und öffnen in der firewall nicht verfügbar , 26014 ist offen und verfügbar

    ich weis ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr weiter , wollte eigentlich gemütlich mit freunden zocken was nun zum stundenlangen alptraum wird.

    ich hoffe auf rasche hilfe

    lg David

  • Dr.Jekyll

    Changed the title of the thread from “Ich bekomme meinen Server infach nicht zum Laufen / Zugriff” to “Ich bekomme meinen Server einfach nicht zum Laufen / Zugriff”.
  • Tut mir Leid zu hören, dass es Probleme mit dem Server gibt :/ Ist der Server denn generell nicht erreichbar (wenn man direkt über IP verbinden möchte), oder taucht er "nur" in der Liste nicht auf?

    Bei mir ist der Server allerdings in der Serverliste sichtbar :thinking: Auch über den Browser kann er abgefragt werden:

    Ich kann scheinbar auch connecten, also soweit scheint da eigentlich alles zu stimmen. Auch obiger Log sieht korrekt aus.

    Nach dem Serverstart kann es aber bis zu 1 Minute dauern, bis der Server in der Liste auftaucht. Manchmal gibts auch Probleme mit den Steam-Servern, wodurch der Steam Masterserver manchmal nicht erreichbar ist (und neue Server dadurch auch nicht auftauchen).

  • Danke für die schnelle antwort

    also ich selbst kann dem server nicht beitretetn weder über die lokale noch öffentliche ip adresse und egal welchen port ich versuche . browser kommt nur über die lokale ip im netzwerk antwort also :

    {"version": "", "legacy": false, "ip": "", "port": 26015, "steamid": 76561197960265728, "contact": "https://discord.gg/7m6UvP4HsC „“, „name“: „Survival Community Austria“, „map“: „New World“, „os“: „WindowsServer“, „uptime“: 10462, „visible“: true, „locked“: true, „whitelist“ : false, „pvp“: true, „pve“: true, „gamemode“: 0, „peaceful“: false, „maxplayers“: 15, „playercount“: 0, „mods“: false}

    serverbeitritt ist jedoch nicht möglich . bei eingabe der lokalen ip im spiel und dem port 26014 versucht das spiel eine verbindung aufzubauen und bleibt bei verbinden hängen in dauerschleife

    bei lokaler ip und port 26015 kommt verbindungsfehler , genau wie bei der öffentlichen ip adresse auch bei beiden ports

    ich sehe generell im spiel in der serverliste nur 11 server siehe anhang und davon ist keiner der eigene

    auch freunde können nicht beitreten oder sehen den server in der liste

  • Oh, du startest dort leider die alte Java Version, der Server ist (lt. Log) allerdings bereits der für die neue Version... wenn du die neue Version spielen möchtest, musst du diese im Beta-Branch auf Steam auswählen und anschließend über den Steam-Client starten - dann erscheint eine Auswahl, wo du "New Version" auswählen musst um die neue Version zu starten :) Hier sind ansonsten noch ein paar Infos dazu: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/11060

    Du kannst auch anhand der Versionsnummer (unten links im Hauptmenü) prüfen, ob die Java Version oder die neue Version läuft: Wenn es ist, handelt es sich um die neue Version.

  • Super , das war genau das problem , zwei unterschiedliche Versionen !! oft scheitert es an solchen Kleinigkeiten da man gerne und schnell liest . :):)

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