Plants disappears from places

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  • It seems that on my server, the community area with plots and gardens experienced the sudden disappearance of all trees and plants. I tried to fix some grass that was sticking up from the roads using the terrain paint tool. I'm not sure why this action would cause a large number of plants to disappear. Any ideas or suggestions on what might have caused this?

  • Hmm... did the trees and plants have contact with the ground? Otherwise they will break as soon as the nearby terrain is modified... to disable this behaviour, you can turn of gravity for plants in the miscellaneous game settings.

  • Hmm... did the trees and plants have contact with the ground? Otherwise they will break as soon as the nearby terrain is modified... to disable this behaviour, you can turn of gravity for plants in the miscellaneous game settings.

    Yes. We thinks its can be due to the area is from a BP, and we place dit ona ocean bioam middle in the ocean.

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