does the game suport this graphics card

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  • Difficult to say. Probably the game will run (depending on the quality of the drivers for your card, but usually Nvidia has very good drivers), but I'm afraid you will have poor performance with that card. We have tested the game with a GT120, it had acceptable fps with minimum settings, but it seems that the GT210 is weaker than a GT120.

  • it would be weaker. its the '1' series
    Nvidia works like this
    they make the 110, 120, 130.....
    then with upgraded technology they make the 210, 220, 230.....
    the 110 and the 210 are essentially the same card just with updated tech and many times its just more memory
    whereas the 120 is more powerful than the 110, it will remain so during all the iterations of the card until you get down the line to like... GT510 vs GT120

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