Can't play Rising World - ERROR: Unable to Create Dirs (20)"

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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  • Just downloaded Rising World on my Mac, Sequoia 15.3.1. After entering the serial code (using the non-Steam version), it says "ERROR: Unable to Create Dirs (20)" and stuck on 1/511. I had to give permission to execute the Rising World launcher since it wasn't a verified application but I don't know why it can't download Rising World and let me play it. Please help, I'd love to play it after getting the game.

  • Sorry for my late response! Did you just download the launcher? Or did you already download it in the past? There was an issue one year ago which couldn't be fixed by an automatic update unfortunately, so if you've downloaded the launcher back then, it's necessary to download it again :)

    However, if you've just downloaded the launcher and it still doesn't work, it could be a permission issue :thinking: If the launcher has no write permission, Mac launches it in a temporary folder instead, preventing the game from downloading any files.

    To fix this, you can try to create a new folder "Rising World" under "Applications" and put the launcher there, then try to launch it. Does the issue still occurs?

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