Why is everyone silent about it

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  • Half of the inventory is not visible to dark objects on the Tkmna background of the receps on the black background are written red and green, I do not see them completely, take care of our eyes for the game

    how much I am tedious to collect the crop from the garden and to take vegetables to the house just a problem return to us stpal boxes, they were very convenient and the ability to put chests one is not the other

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  • We're silent about it because there's no point in talking about it again. Too many people complained about the menu background in the java version being too old / outdated looking so Red51 decided to go with a more modern looking menu for the Unity version.

    Personally I liked the old paper / scroll looking background from the old menus so much better and do agree it was much easier to see on, but people got what they asked for.


    The food spoilage system isn't implemented yet, so you really don't need to grow a huge amount of food at once / can leave crops that are ready to harvest without worry about it rotting.

    Stackable food crates and a hand cart would be a good addition though to make moving food from a farm to food storage a lot easier, especially once the spoilage system is implemented.

  • I meant the number of products in one inventory slot 1 salad 1 slot is not serious because 8 or more than 1 chest one slot, but you can several

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  • Post by viktorij51 ().

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  • Post by viktorij51 ().

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  • I meant the number of products in one inventory slot 1 salad 1 slot is not serious because 8 or more than 1 chest one slot, but you can several

    Actually that part makes sense. You only use one lettuce / cabbage at a time typically when cooking. You use multiple tomatoes, peppers, beets, potatoes, etc. at a time when cooking so the stack sizes match real world usage.

  • Wolvering logs why keep them on trees slice is just a log you can constantly make lumber, but you need to constantly carry a workbench with you and the eo place in the inventory

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