Ok, going on a trip

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Okay, the game should run on that machine. If I've seen that correctly it has an Intel HD 4400, which is definitely sufficient :)

    What happens exactly? Does the game hang up or does it crash? When does the error occur, during startup or when loading a world? Is there an errorlog created in your game directory? If not, I'd recommend to temporarily disable the flag "game_threaded_loading" (set it to false) and enable the flag "game_debug_console" (set it to true) in the config.properties file (in your main game directory). When the game crashes the next time, there should be a log-file in the Logs-Folder, it would be great if you can upload it here.

  • Actually, here's the bit;
    The Java x64 was imperative to have on this notebook as opposed to my other rig, also 64 bit, which can run the game with the 32x java installed. Strange , but , all is well.

  • Oh, but it's definitely recommended to have the x64 Java installed on a x64 OS :) Only in rare cases our game runs when only x32 Java is installed on a x64 OS, but then other strange things may happen (for example missing textures etc.) =O

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