Server list is empty

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  • Hi

    I bought the game few weeks ago, but for some reason the server list was empty. Now I returned, and it's still empty.
    Firewall is disabled, and I don't have any antivirus of any sort installed. I tried reinstalling the game - but without luck.

    Is this because there simply aren't a single server, or do I need to do something?

    I tried looking around for server IPs, but all of them say unable to connect.

    Edit: I am playing through Steam if that info is needed

    It's really boring to play alone, and I kind of only bought this game for the multiplayer part. So I hope you can help :)

  • I am using Windows Firewall, but I completely disabled it. My system time, you mean the time/date shown in windows bottom right? That should be exact.

    I also have this in the top right in the main menu, I don't know what it means..?

  • According to the screenshot, your game is not able to communicate with our servers at all (the icon in the top right should be green, and there should be your playername visible instead of "UnknownPlayer"). Either something is blocking the game (is there any other 'security' software installed?), or it's not possible to establish a SSL connection (caused by wrong systemtime [yes, the time at the bottom right], messed up certificates etc.).
    What happens when you visit Do you receive a warning, or are you able to access the page without any problems?

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