Horses could be included in the animal update? Would allow for quicker travel.
Just a thought.
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Funny I was thinking about this last night.
Maybe you would have to train the animal to make it mountable. Just throwing it out there.
Yes horses are planned But unfortunately they won't make it into the first animal update, it's a lot of work and we need adequate animations first.
But I like the idea that you have to tame/train them first! -
Oh I understand that it wont be immediate, But the training thing has me interested. In fact I would not mind if this takes a bit, should be a learned skill, such as animal "husbandry".
So a skillset should be implemented. -
Okay let's see about a skill system, it was also requested several times in the past and definitely on our todo-list If we have a skill system, something like animal husbandry or taming etc. makes sense of course
Not as a rush issue,, We have tons of time. This is early on .
<p>well if horse's are in were gonna need camels for the desert biome ;)</p>
Sounds good, unfortunately we don't have a camel model yet, put we put it on our list
Sounds good, unfortunately we don't have a camel model yet, put we put it on our list
Did I not send pic of Ex wifes husband? Perfect model to rig -
Did I not send pic of Ex wifes husband? Perfect model to rig
Haha, you just made my day
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