hi guys, iam new(ish) to the game. have been at it since about 3 days. i found a nice server on first try with decent people on and some amazing buildings to look at (and walk trhough that is)
so i decided to stay put and put down roots. here's some shots of my current work in progress:
once its done it'll be fully furnished, have a "fachwerk" exterior look to it and and hopefully a nice lush garden to enjoy the sun in

new gaff to call home :)
- poultrygeist
- Closed
to be continued...
feel free to leave a comment on how to improve it -
@poultrygeist Nice clean build
Only thing I could think of is a fire place or a fire place per room. Hope you post the final would love to see it finished.
thanks for the complement
really, only was faffing about since it was my day off today.
oh yeah a fireplace is a must. i will put a big one downstairs and then a few smaller ones in each room as they are build (with fully build vent system,well..hopefully)
Cool def hope it works out and look forward to seeing the finished project
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