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  • Found somethings I'd like to see improved. This isn't a list of new things to add, just current things to tweak.

    Chat: Almost all games I've played use "enter" instead of "T". "R" for reply. Which replies to last /whisper. "Tab" to cycle through list of /whispers recently sent to you. And /whisper to be changed to "T" for /tell. T opens up command /tell, enter <name> done. /Say not to be global. Filters like general chat, group, Admin. Commands like /ignore would also be helpful. I can't see chat, unfortunately, I like the darkest background. It won't save. I have to change it every time I log in. I would also like the option to leave chat up or be able to adjust the time fade setting to longer.

    Admins: Fix the "Bobbing" issue. Give Admins the ability to become invisible to other players. Currently, If you're close enough to spot a grievers name tag, he can spot yours even if under his feet in the ground.

    Block placement: Can't make log cabins (Can't lay round logs on top of another.) I'd even like to see the cylinders be able to be placed at different angles. ( or be able to make 'round' lumber ) I haven't been able to figure out how to change grid size with a mini keyboard? Is there a way? Make glass edges darker or yellow or red. It's really hard to see if you made glass sheet the right size to place or if you're placing it in the right spot. Some block shapes, like the triangular ones, can't be placed on their sides. Also grates to be place flat. Maybe even doors? Half blocks to be placed on top half. These would open up a whole new area to designs.

    Ground: Some people come to our server just to run around and dig holes while running around. Filling them is not always simple. If you have to use the rake, you just lost the grass there leaving patches of dirt all over the place. Having grass grow back would fix this. Or a fill command to make it back to original.

    Stacks: Make all stacks hold 64. No melons stack. Wood and tomatoes stack at 32 while ores stack at 64.

    Inventory: "I" to open inventory, and "I" to close it. Much faster than current way.

    Journal: 1st time a person logs into game, automatically open up Journal. With a check box at bottom to mark not to open.

    TP: Teleporting to certain coordinates. I've been told that this is already in game, but no one has been able to tell me how.

    Blueprints: Are for posters? I'd like to see them for houses. I'm assuming once water is introduced this will be needed for water popping up in areas already developed?

    Lights: Torches are fine, but I would like the lamps to cast light further. Or even make bulbs at different Watts.

    A better separation of dirt/stone/hell earth. Once you get a little hell earth or stone in dirt and try to remove it, it's a real pain.

    I had more input. But being a slacker, I forgot to write them down and now drawing a blank.

  • Stacks are good idea, i think the 64 isn't enough, i want to see that upgraded too, atleast "150" also takes less space from inventory and such or even 250, pretty good ideas there man.

  • opening to the journal automatically is my would save me from repeating the same things every time someone new signs on!! stacking melons ,especially ,is also a great suggestion!!

  • Teleporting to a point:
    enter goto [x] [z] or goto [x] [y] [z] into the console.

    I think lights with different watts would come together with the electric system. Then it sould also be possible to turn of or dim the lights.

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