special game type after release

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • I was thinking about a special tech related game mode. Players have to form their own viliges. As the villages grow and become more advanced rival villiges can go to war. In the beinning it would be mideavil stuff and castles. As the players get more advanced they get better stuff like guns. To make things interesting in each tech era you have to fight off bandits, barbarions and criminals. These people would be the greefers that terrorize the servers now. You could set some npcs for security and defense. This can provide fun for both greefers and normal players. Also add several continents for navel warfare. The final era would be where someone wins, the nuclear era. The goal of the mode would be either to conquer everyone, create a peacefull atmosphere or build the first nuclear weapon. You could also make a single player version with a great story line. In terms of gameplay the player still has to build everything but they can also build factories to manufacture weapons and supplies as well as building a research building. Instead of the research building doing all the work you have to find certain materials for them to complete their research.

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