New Tools?

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    I was wandering if anytime later on there would be better tools you can get like instead of starting with an iron axe/pickaxe, you would start with a wooden one and you would have to achieve the iron pickaxe by mining and smelting iron to make one. ?(

  • From previous threads my understanding is that there is going to be a progression in the form of research or tool improvements that is going to be implemented so you have to work your way up from basic medieval tech all the way to modern.

    As to your suggestion, i would like to see the game follow a more realistic progression, as wooden picks and axes do not actually work.

    • Axe - Flint/Stone, Bronze, iron, steel giving way to saws and power tools
    • Pick - Wood shovel, bronze shovel/pick, iron shovel/pick, steel, followed by drills, explosives, and jackhammers
    • Same types of progression for all the tools, armor, and weapons.
    • Optional fantasy materials for additional material tiers to go with the monsters
    • I would prefer no diamond/gem stone armor or swords.

    The game has a long list of more fundamental features to be implemented yet, so it might be a while before we see what the Devs have in store for us regarding progression...

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