The Deadlands Server (

  • I added you to the roles table as admin. You should be able to execute the commands now. Sleepless your area should be fixed now. You should be able to mod it.

  • Still get the message that I'm not an admin or moderator.

    What commands should I have access to, /showareas doesn't work, nor does /selectarea

  • I'm going to make that a Message Of The Day item, but putting one on the spawn portal would be good too. I'll see if I can make one that looks old and chiseled.

  • At least until this game is more mature, I would suggest the following:

    Bannable offenses:

    • Continuously griefing and harassing players. (must be two witnesses and possibly screenshots of griefing)

    Prison time offenses (this is for when the player teleporting is done) (After the third offense of each item below, they get banned:

    • Griefing a player's property (e.g. steeling items, killing a player).
    • Excessive cussing in chat. Belittling other players in chat. Similar chat activity.
    • Chat spamming.
  • hello, i am new to this game and i would like to play on your server, but it is unpolite to do so without asking for permission :P
    Therefor: Would you please permit me to play on you server?

    Thanks in advance.

    If not, i wish you all a lot of fun with Rising World

  • Server needs a restart. It's not loading the terrain properly again. It's just showing black and white chunks again.

    Reminding you to take a memory usage reading this time before restarting to see if it's a possible memory leak issue.

  • memory was only about 500 MB or so. The log was stuck and clocked when I tried to open it. Not sure what's going on there. I couldn't view it.
    I just restarted it.

  • Hi! I just tried playing on your server last night, unfortunately, I am still not able to do anything related to the F key, like pick up or craft or use anything.

  • Firedaemon pro apparently appends to the log. So it is about 350 MB. I will look at it later to see what was going on. I saw an exception with a socket connection at some point, but I doubt that would have affected the server terrain loading. The AreaProtection is spamming in most of the log. lol. I know it isn't that though because this happened before the AreaProtection was in place...if I remember correctly.

  • Hi! I just tried playing on your server last night, unfortunately, I am still not able to do anything related to the F key, like pick up or craft or use anything.

    Normally, if you are unable to interact with the world, that means that you connected but then got disconnected and are playing only on the cient side, in sort of a cached world. Obviously all rendering happens on the client, but when you are disconnected from the server, there is nowhere to send your updated info and I assume that is why things stop interacting when you hit F.

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