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  • I thought I would be pretty cool to be able to farm/harvest your own food, maybe making it so wild life would eat your crops if your not careful. I also suggest that you make it so you can replant vegetation for decoration and farming purposes.

  • I thought I would be pretty cool to be able to farm/harvest your own food, maybe making it so wild life would eat your crops if your not careful. I also suggest that you make it so you can replant vegetation for decoration and farming purposes.

    "4. It's planned. The rake is intended to smooth out the terrain, we
    don't have a tool yet that is really intended to level the ground. But
    for farming stuff, we're planning to implement a hoe

    5. Hopefully it won't take too long until we have water implemented.
    Once water is in the game, we will take care of fishing, boats etc.

    6. It's our intention to implement that

    7. Yes, food is planned and hopefully coming soon"

    .........that's from red himself in response to a similar question found >>>>>>>>>>>here<<<<<<<<<<<

  • For 4. you could have a simple hand held ground tamping tool. I've use the pick to dig a cave, then I've thrown mud onto the floor if I dug a hole to deep in the ground. Maybe the ground tamper could even little bumps out?

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