Offline Multiplayer

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Hi, im new player and have a problem with the multiplayer..... its ever Offline and i cant conect to any server...i buy from the steam for playing with friends or looking other server but...i cant.

    really need your help...plz.


    From Chile
    XD :):):)

  • What happens exactly when you connect to a server? Also, what connection icon do you have in the top right corner in the main menu, is it red or green? If it's red, you probably can't establish a connection to the HIVE server. Usually that's caused by a firewall or antivirus program blocking your connection. What antivirus software do you use?
    Also make sure your system time and date are set correctly (since an SSL connection is established to the HIVE).

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