
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • hi,
    im trying to play Rising-world in creative. but if to world is loaded im in survival???? :S?(
    please help


    Dutch|Netherlands| A man with a plan they call me

  • Creative mode is still not implemented. If you want to enable something like a "semi-creative" mode (godmode and instant digging), you can open the console (^ or ` key, depending on your keyboard layout) and type "setgametype 1" (without quotation marks). Using a 0 returns to default mode ;)
    Please not that this is still a work-in-progress mode, i.e. you may fall through the ground more frequently when digging etc. (if that happens, press F2 to enable flymode).

  • ok thank you,
    and falling trough the world i know. and pressign F2 it will help i know also.
    but thanks

    Dutch|Netherlands| A man with a plan they call me

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