Dedicated Server Windows Server

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  • settings_default_gamemode=survival in i write creative but dont work i see drink and food in my HUD

    This setting is only relevant when creating a new world.
    To get into creative mode you can open console and type "setgametype 1", this enables creative mode (as long as you have the necessary permissions in multiplayer), but only for you.
    To change the gamemode to creative permanently for an existing world, you have to modify the world database file manually (with an SQL editor).

  • Yes but i don t find database.sql for instal in my sql database. Where is this files? i use navicate

    PS : I find in i don t see this line : database_type sqlite or mysql, in this case mysql :)

    My database is created. Now I try to put a player in admin mod

  • Yes but i don t find database.sql for instal in my sql database. Where is this files? i use navicate

    When you use SQLite, you find the database file in your world directory in the particular world folder. It's in the table "WorldInfos", just change the value of "Gamemode" from "survival" to "creative"

    My database is created. Now I try to put a player in admin mod

    As long as the "admin.permissions" are in your "permissions/groups" folder in your server directory, you can use the command setplayergroup playername admin to become a member of this group ;)

  • Quote

    As long as the "admin.permissions" are in your "permissions/groups" folder in your server directory, you can use the command "setplayergroup playername admin" to become a member of this group

    Don t work for me in game i press T for chat and i write "setplayergroup Peugeot admin" and nothing. i see in player SQL table Column Group is empty.

  • cool it s work ^^ big thanks for your help.

    Last question : for see all item in game

    is what I 'm forced to use the command or there is a button to see all cube (item) ?

    Sorry for my bad english i a use google translate

  • Glad to hear it works now :)

    is what I 'm forced to use the command or there is a button to see all cube (item) ?

    There is unfortunately no way to see all items in the game at once (it's planned), but in creative mode, you can craft items for free (depending on your permissions). So the easiest way is to build a workbench/sawmill/blockbench etc and craft your items there ;)

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