Buildings not saving

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  • For some reason my buildings are not saving when
    I exit and re-enter the game. I'm sure it is the
    same location but they disappear.

    Am I missing
    something obvious?

    Otherwise I'm having a great time. :)

  • is there a way to do so manually? Can I minimize the game and find the save game file with the building I made
    and copy it to use next time I play rather then it reverting to before you build something?


  • No, you can't save it manually, it is automatically saved every 10 seconds (something like that) and also when quitting the game, but we can introduce a command to also force-save it manually. But I'm afraid that won't help with your problem, because something seems to go wrong with the saving procedure itself.
    So your worlds are still available, but everything you changed in the world will be reverted the next time? Are you using steam or standalone version? Tried to start the application as administrator?

    //Edit: Okay just saw your post in the other thread that you are using the standalone. In which folder did you extract the game from the zip? There seems to be something wrong wit accessing the files, since you are saying in the other thread that corrupted worlds can't be deleted (never seen this issue before). Perhaps running the application as administrator (rightclick on the exe) may solve your problem.

  • I was wrong in saying it wasn't running in the backround. It turned out
    It was. Thanks for the fast help. It's saving fine now. The games a blast and the building is the
    Best i've seen in a building game.

    Thanks again.

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