Bldg. blocks problem

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hi, you guys seem to be very knowledgeable so may I ask you a question. I seem to be UNABLE to create a row of blocks ... I know left click & hold to make the line but since I'm holding on left ... I'm unable to right click ... when I go to do so I lose the row ... do we need a special mouse or some settings ... I can do it ONE BLOCK @ A TIME, but it sure would be nice to do it the faster/more efficient way ... thanks for any time to answer ... :?:

    P. S. - I'm on a Mac if that makes a difference ... cheers ... !

    Lifting - Astronomy - Building ... in that order for me ... :)

  • Thanks guys for your helpful info. ... but like I was thinking ... it was only my standard "Mac" mouse that was the problem ... never really thought of using another mouse until now ... it's like the Mac mouse DOESN'T let you Left/right click separately ... it's like a hard plastic shell - which works great ... except like now ... got myself a new BT mouse & it tests fine ... Hope 2 C summa U guys in Multi. sometime ... happy building ... ! :thumbsup:

    Lifting - Astronomy - Building ... in that order for me ... :)

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