I'am hosting the Rising World Server on my own virtual root server, so I have to update the server manually. Because there are many updates, it's annoying to do it by myself so I created a little script. But there are some restrictions:
- the script uses wget to download the new server files
- the script has to be in the same location as the server folder
- the server should not run during the update
The script downloads the new server archiv (tar), creates a backup of you old server folder (in the same location as the script) and then replaces the lib folder and the server.jar.
Feel free to use or change it in any way you want if you haven't already an update script :).
[[ -x "$(which wget)" ]] || { echo "${txtred}[ERROR] You have to install wget first!${txtreset}" ; exit 1; }
[[ ! -z "$dirname" && -d "${PWD}/${dirname}" ]] || { echo "${txtred}[ERROR] Server folder is incorrect!${txtreset}" ; exit 1; }